Of Waters Uncharted

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Side Note: This is still a work in progress. Please don't say anything negative about this unless it is constructive criticism. Hope you enjoy.

Lyla Nox is jerked abruptly from her slumber and into the side paneling of the car as the car skids to a halt because the stop light turned red seconds before the car could have crossed the intersection. Groaning, she blinks, bleary-eyed as the sun filters through the window and into her face. Being woken up by car, she decides, is not fun and definitely not something that she wants to happen again anytime soon. Lyla brings her hands to her eyes to rub the sleep from them and attempt to wake herself up, so that she doesn't feel so dead on the inside.

It doesn't work and the tingle of disappointment floods through her bones. There must have been some unpleasant expression on her face as a resounding laugh echoes through the car. Crooking her neck ever so slightly, she places a glare upon her face as she looks at the offender.

The 'offender' is her brother- twin brother, to be exact- Leander or Leo, as she like to call him. Catching her glare, his amusement doesn't reside, but becomes distinct. Lyla's glare turned up to what her brother had determined as the 'parent glare' because it reminded him of 'the look of disapprobation, usually given by a parent '. The disdainful look falls on blind eyes. Frowning, Lyla turns sharply to her left to face the window. As she does so, the light turns green and the plain blur of scenery whooshes by.

Tap. Tap. Tap. The ever annoying feeling of a 'tap' on her shoulder comes every time the minute on the clock changes. Lyla knows because she's watched. Finally, thoroughly annoyed, Lyla grabs his hand, right before the offending finger can land on its destination.

"What. Do. You. Want. Leander!" Lyla emphasizes her twin's name and enjoys watching him recoil to his full name. She gives him another glare before releasing him and looking at him expectantly. When Leo stays silent, Lyla clears her throat and coughs awkwardly. Slowly, without taking her eyes off him, Lyla turns to face forward in her seat before Leo speaks out in a rush.

"Aren't you worried?!" His voice takes on a tinge of hysteria. Lyla swallows thickly, a newly formed knot settling in her stomach. Her shoulders slump forward. Even though her posture resembles everything of someone who has been defeated, Lyla's blue eyes shine with determination. She knows....knows what she is going to have to do. Even though she may hate it later. Because she knows that its the right thing to do. And because it's all her fault.

Thirteen Hours Earlier...

There were days when Lyla abhorred her life and others when she adored it. 'Today, Saturday, September 27, is definitely a cursed day.' Lyla decided. She had plans. She had set her heart on doing something, anything, less horrendous than this. But now.... Now she had to face an unequivocal evil. Something far worse than anything she'd ever hoped of doing. Lyla was being shipped off to the manor of the influential, powerful owners of Flint Inc. Or better known to her as the family of her enemy. Jackson Flint.

Jackson was an intelligent person who rivaled her own knowledge until they were both hunched over textbooks trying to prove each other wrong in their theory. He also was captain and starting quarterback of the private school's (St. Augustine) football team. To some, he appeared to be a kind a caring person. 'Maybe he was', Lyla had once thought. But even if he was, that kindness was never shown to her by the captain. If anything, it was the flip-side that appeared more to the Nox girl. He was cold and cruel to her. Always spreading rumors until they got so back that the Staff had to interfere. Not that they could or would do anything, as they were afraid of losing the benevolence of the Flint family, who had always donated a hefty sum to the school. So, nothing was done and the Nox's reputation was ruined daily, under the scrutiny of the other member of the school's student body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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