dan teh meme man

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*dads violently* oh hello fellow child on the interweb didn't see ya there. Welcome back to my blog/porno/please like me I'm begging. Today were going to be discussing how to count in spanish. Its real easy if you just try hard enough you little bitch, you think you can't just do SHIT WITHOUT WORK WHAT ARE A FUC-      *Camra shuts off*  sry for that, minor technical bug *sweats perfusly*.    So first set in learning your 123 in burrito language, put yourself in the shoes of a spanish homeless man who doesnt know how to count worth shit, yea that's the spirit, feeling motivated yet?  Okey so #1 in spain is despecito. Now, I now what your thinking, renzu, the complexity of that word is to much for my tiny brain. But don't get your self down, you could never match me in my Superior ways, you piece of shit. Now every word after that is pretty simple you just say h at the beginning of every american word and sidor at the end, like so. Htwosidor. Hthreesidor. See? Now your getting it. Soon you'll be speaking Spanish like a pro. Well that concludes are show goodbye children, and dont forget to pick up your free kitten at the back of that van byyyye

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