Gender (Oh Boy...)

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Are you a guy, a girl, or other. I'll give you the answer. You're a male or a female, there is no in between. (Unless you've got both parts, in which case is a topic I'm not going into.) We, as humans are genetically a man or women it isn't your choice, deal with it.

Over time I've come to ignore people's talk about gender. Such as being non-bianary. (Which really annoys me.) Its something that bugs me when people talk about it. So, I guess "ignorance is bliss."

I do want it to be known that I'm not gonna kill anybody over their opinion on this, I just dont think that their opinion is right.

If you have a comment.
Keep it to yourself.

(I don't wear shirts because shirts come out of the closet. Miss me with that gay shit.)


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