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The moment I saw him standing across the room, I knew he was dangerous.

"Good evening, to all of you," He greeted as he smiled wryly, piercing green eyes scanning across the room. "I am Michael Langdon, I am sent by the cooperatives in order to pick who's worthy of survival."

As he laid his eyes on me, I could feel that he was surprised to see me there but he was trying his best not to show any emotions of what he's feeling. The room was filled with chatters, most of the people showing interest in his words.

"So, how are you going to pick amongst us, and how many are you going to take?" My friend, Aigneis asked.

"I will conduct an interview and observe this outpost for two weeks." He responded simply.

"And for those who aren't deemed worthy?" Gallant asked.

"Good question," He took out a small bottle from his jacket's pocket and showed it to us. "Soon, this outpost will end up like the other outposts, everyone who aren't deemed worthy will die."

Surprise and horror were plastered in everyone's faces as Michael explained everything in a calm manner.

"But don't worry. You will all be given this," He playfully raised the bottle up to his lip. "One drink from this and you will fall asleep, you won't feel a thing once they come here and rip every single flesh in your body. You'd just be thankful you weren't awake when it happened."

Everyone looked at each other, I could hear their thoughts running inside their heads.

Everyone was willing to do selfish things in order to get that slot to be worthy.

"You are different, aren't you."

Michael's voice rang inside my head as our eyes meet once again.

I remained calm, not wanting to let him get through me.

"So when's the interview going to start?" Dinah, the former TV personality asked.

"Tomorrow," Michael said. Gallant was ready to volunteer himself when Michael immediately cuts him off. "And I want to start with you, Miss Dominique Farrington"

Michael walked up to me and ran his fingers on my cheek. I suddenly felt weak and nauseous as he touched me. What is this. I thought to myself as I mustered every bit of strength that I have just so that I can support myself from blacking out.

"Interesting." He whispered, with a sinister smile on his face. As he withdrew his hand, I felt my strength slowly coming back.

Michael's gesture made me the center of attraction. Everyone's looking at me, their thoughts were all mixed and were loud inside my head.

"Are you okay?" Aigneis asked as she ushered me to an empty seat.

"Y-yeah," I huffed. "Just got a little light headed. That's all. Probably cause we aren't getting enough food lately."

"Please," She sighed playfully. "You're still a freaking bad liar after all these years."

"Am I?" I chuckled quietly, still a little weak from whatever it is that Langdon did.

"Yeah," Aigneis smiled back. Her smile suddenly fade as she trained her eyes on Michael before looking at me again. "Why is he interested on you."

"I don't know." I answered my voice hint with confusion, but deep inside maybe I do.

"He's dangerous." She warned, holding my hand tightly.

"I know," I spoke softly. "I knew he was as soon as I saw him standing across the room."


Emma Watson as Dominique Farrington

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Emma Watson as Dominique Farrington

Emma Watson as Dominique Farrington

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Cody Fern as Michael Langdon

Isabelle Furhman as Aigneis Ceallaigh

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Isabelle Furhman as Aigneis Ceallaigh

-- Rest of the AHS Characters will play their respective roles. --

Hello, this is my first fan fiction. Hope you guys would like it.

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