Honor Of The Dead

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Others note: yoooo.... this is a story I made at 2 am... sorry if it seems like it was rushed that's because it was. (i made this in like half an hour) This is also my first story on wattpad, I even had to ask my friends to help me upload it XD... yeah I am bad with tec. never the less I hope you like it

My hands are warm, but they feel cold, no they feel freezing. The previously beautiful melody of the ocean waves now sounds sickening as each wave slams into a body of stone. I see "IT" the one deed I can never atone for, but I don't regret it... as each wave rips apart, I smile looking down at the beautiful masterpiece of cryptic pain that I have just made out of a desperate attempt to convey my tangled locked up emotions, now that I think about it... I never planned to do this... it just kind of happened, and oh what a pleasant ending to such a living nightmare. Under the full moon surrounded by twinkling stars and with a slight refreshing breeze, not to mention the warm fuzzy sand tingling my toes until a small wave drags it away. Any other day I would have enjoyed this beauty of nature, but not today... today I got to do something much more incredible; I got to be a part of life itself, I got to help the cycle of nature move forward, I got to make the decision that only God is supposed to be able to make... and what an honor it is to be the one who got rid of such a dreadful hell, but I guess it's not without a price, I will now have to live with this torturing weight for the rest of my undeserving life. Oh well, might as well, I Knew the consequences of what I did beforehand I am willing to live with them... My name is Alex- Alex Smith, I started off as a normal human being at first, but even a devil is just a fallen angel. It all began on an absolutely magnificent Monday I woke up with my beautiful wife Amanda on my left arm like always, I got up before her by about 5 minutes like always, I went to take a shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed and go downstairs to my lovely wife who was almost done cooking breakfast, like always.

"Alex," she says in a slightly disturbed voice "have you been up to date with the news lately?"

"No, Why?" I respond with a hint of confusion.

"There have been a couple of murders down where your aunt lives, the cops are on it, but the situation seems dangerous. I think we should give her a call;"

she replied slowly and surely indicating to me that I don't have much of a choice

I nod yes to please Amanda but not seeing the point in calling my aunt since she obviously is going to know about something like a murder near where she lives. I decided to break the short and somewhat uncomfortable silence by firmly and almost yelling state out my mind.

"These people are sicking! No repulsive!... How dare they take the life of another human being. I will never understand how such monsters can do such devil like things. All of them deserve to die."

and as I say the last word I shed a tear of rage.

"Calm down!" yelled Amanda with a bit of hesitation in her voice

"Now is not the time to be getting personal. I understand your life as a child was not a good one, and I am sorry about that, but that's no reason for you to yell at ME!" She snaps before I can even defend my actions,

I realize that I have lost my cool and let my emotions get the better of me, ashamed of what I have just done I merely apologize not entirely meaning it tho and I leave for work without even eating.

"Great!... just great" I mutter to myself before starting the car and leaving

I end up being moody the rest of the day. I went to work not relay feeling too happy about it but I know how it feels to be angry, I know how it feels to be frustrated for I am an adult and not some child with anger issues I pridefully tell myself, So I know how to deal with this kind of emotion. I try my best not to confront anyone else unless its necessary as confrontation usually leads to me spilling out everything in my mind without filtering it out of anger. BUT... But that one moment, that one goddam moment... I just was not able to hold back, as I heard him yak while holding back a laugh the world had felt like it has just stopped for a second. Everything became red, the rough old stained worn out gray carpet looked as if it was crimson, crimson like the blood of a human was splattered on it. Oh but it was not just the carpet, everything from the slightly rusted door handle to the practically rotten wood everything was red. I clenched my fists so tightly to the point where the started to hurt, how dare he, how F***ING dare he! I roared. Well at least in my head. I went to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me so hard that for a second I thought that it might have broken. How dare he make fun of death like that, How dare he brush off something like DEATH with just a simple joke. How dare he! I sobbed and wept like a little child. Well, I guess I know me better than anyone else. And it's not like he knows about my family murder, so it's not his fault that I overheard him I addressed to my self in an attempt to regain my sanity. But just when I thought I had it under control out of nowhere a devil like sound whispered into my ear:

"You don't appreciate the true value of things until they leave, so how about KILLING his whole family and see if he would still laugh and death like that or not hmm?"

I want to yell or rather I know I am supposed to yell "no" but Sometimes giving up is the right thing to do or at least the thing you want to do the most and besides being selfish is not always bad I immorally say in order to convince myself even more. Even a bad part of you is still you I mutter to myself, at last, giving in to the devil that I have just created with my delusional thoughts. even after all those years I am still not over it, heck I can't even think about it without nearly losing my mind, my whole family dying in front of me and they say time's supposed to heal, but they don't talk about how it slowly kills things and turns them to nothingness. After work I decided to follow him, as he started his car I started mine, I stayed about 10 meters away from his car and thankfully I don't think that he noticed me. Apparently, he went to the beach on his own. But I can't do anything to him now because there are too many people. Thankfully he stayed there until midnight and then, right then, and there was my perfect chance, the cover of the night gave me a perfect chance to do all the devilish acts I want, so I walk up to him my hands are warm, but they feel cold, no they feel freezing. The previously beautiful melody of the ocean waves now sounds sickening as each wave slams into a body of stone. I see "IT" the one deed I can never atone for, but I don't regret it... as each wave rips apart, I smile looking down at the beautiful masterpiece of cryptic pain that I have just made out of a desperate attempt to convey my tangled locked up emotions, now that I think about it... I never planned to do this... it just kind of happened, and oh what a pleasant ending to such a living nightmare. Under the full moon surrounded by twinkling stars and with a slight refreshing breeze, not to mention the warm fuzzy sand tingling my toes until a small wave drags it away. Any other day I would have enjoyed this beauty of nature, but not today... today I got to do something much more incredible; I got to be a part of life itself, I got to help the cycle of nature move forward, I got to make the decision that only God is supposed to be able to make... and what an honor it is to be the one who got rid of such a dreadful hell, but I guess it's not without a price, I will now have to live with this torturing weight for the rest of my undeserving life. Oh well, might as well, I Knew the consequences of what I did beforehand I am willing to live with them but before I can kill him I squeeze out the last humany part of me and stab myself to death.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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