"im fine,"

700 39 15

Zara's p.o.v

scrolling down my Facebook feed, which isn't much since i've only got a few friends on it. but none of them are real life,

Friends who promise to keep in touch: The dorks, that includes me.

Friends who add you just cos they've seen you a few times: in the hallway in school, although none of them the hot jocks, sigh.

Family: my mom, Joe , Max and some cousins and funnily enough My Grandfather. We share some funny things on facebook, we are comedy geniuses.

Friends who add you because they like to snoop on your page: The nosey idiots in my old class.

Last but not least, Friends who add you because your relationship status says 'in a Relationship with Patrick Stump'

Yes see alot of fame comes along when your friends with the hot guy every girl swoons over, As soon as Patrick made official which was only a week after he got out of hospital i woke up to atleats twenty five friend request from strange white wannabe gansters and a few girls, who obviously added me to see what i was like.

Unfortunately there isn't much to see from my page except for Joe's Grandmothers ninty-ith. Yeah me in a dress sitting on an old guys lap whilst my mom coos 'Zara give him a kiss on the cheek!' 

Although Patrick wasn't there he saw the picture and told me i'll never live it down since he's still teasing me about it. Speaking of these he has not stopped texting me on Facebook saying 'so has that old guy not asked you out yet?'

which results to: seen at 22:37

Patrick is typing.....


I splutter out laughing, this is what usually happens everytime he teases me i ignore him and he will continue to text me until i give up and he tags me in a status where my GrandFather makes innapropiate jokes on it with the help of Patrick but soon enough all the girls who swoon over Patrick just write on the status because its Patrick, do i sound jealous to you?

zara is typing......

Fight me.

Not literally.

Patrick is typing......

well when you put it that way..

That pervert. seriously the innapropiate jokes that go on between him and weirdly enough my grandfather (who obviously doesn't make innapropiate jokes about me) is insane, i often wonder how old the two of them are.

zara is typing........

you sicko, Anyways whats up? and don't say your peepee!

He usually replies with that everytime i ask.

Patrick is typing......

well then i shouldn't really answer then

he is the weirdest person alive.

zara is typing

your sick.

i can imagine him now a cheeky grin on his face thinking of a cheeky reply, its what he usually does.

patrick is typing..........

oh shit! i forgot to write a status about our boring movie date!

Things aren't the same anymore. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now