Christmas present

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Zara's p.o.v

"So far everything seems normal, like we don't know the rate. he's not bad but he's not great either." The doctor spoke. "There's no movement and we can't do anything on him until he's stable, right now he just seems to be sleeping, has he been sleeping?"

"Yeah he's been sleeping fine." I said, my voice is a bit croaked from the lack of sleep and crying. I didn't want to look in the mirror this morning.

"Okay, so no exhaustion then," he said ticking something off on a clip board. "There is something here about his heart, at the moment we can't run tests but we can probably start surgery sooner if we get test results back." he continued, writing down some more. "Do you know what date he was supposed to have it on?"

"20th of January."

"Okay well maybe we'll have to move him up to about 28th of December." he said writing more down on his clip board.

Me, Patricia, Kevin, Dave, Penny and my grandfather all sat in the doctors office. We've been question like suspects of a murder. I saw Patrick this morning, Covered in machines.

And it brought back so many memories

"Wait you said, '28th of December' that's three days away?" I asked. he nodded.

"But what if it doesn't work? A-and I don't get to say goodby-"

"Ma'am please your overreacting. ninety-eight percent of the time it works." he assures.

"What about the two percent?" My grandfather asks.

"Uh they died or you know- just can't walk again." the doctor who goes by the name of 'Martin' mumbled.

That's when I started to panic. I do not need this, this is Christmas day. Me and Patrick are supposed to be at home cuddled up in bed and receiving gifts- Not in a goddamn hospital!

"Look, okay. This will work don't you worry, plus you will see him before the operation." Martin spoke closing his file.

"How? When the nurse shoved us out after a half an hour?" I asked in annoyance. Right now if I could I'd jump on him and kill him.

"Well let's remind ourselves that the equipment is very expensive and that some knucklehead nearly spilled their cranberry juice on it." Martin spat looking at Kevin.

"Come on man, thought we were over this?" Kevin asked. Yes the knucklehead was kevin. he was trying to reach over and get his cranberry juice off the other side of the bed and almost spilled it all over the machinery, after that our visiting hours have been cut down to thirty minutes. way to go Kevin.

"You guys have had your visiting time, it's eleven o'clock at night, I think it's best you go home and rest." Martin said yawning.

"But I want to be here during the night. He is my boyfriend I want to be here for hi-"


"Blantley." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Miss Blantley, I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do. The mountains of machinery that are keeping Patrick alive are highly dangerous to outsiders. Like tripping over the wires could end both of your lives." he said sympathetically, he rubbed my hands. "I am deeply sorry, Miss." And with that we left the doctors office. I just want to go home to my apartment and sleep for the rest of my life.

"Okay, let's go. You need rest, I've got an electric blanket." Patricia said leading me to her car until I stopped her.

"Patricia, thank you but I think I'll head back to the apartment with my grandfather, I just want to go home you know, catch some rest." I said. She nodded her head in understanding and she kissed my forehead.

Things aren't the same anymore. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now