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Why does everyone hate me? It's a question that runs through my mind everyday.

I mean, I'm the same age as these kids. We obviously learn the same things too because that's the whole point of being at this lame school.

So why can't I fit in?

Now that I think about it, I'm glad I'm not involved in these idiots lives.

Staying away from the shady goths and stuck up jocks is the safest option. Also those popular girls are so annoying. Why would I want to be included in a conversation about hair product?

The best part about being a loner is that I can bitch about these people all day and they'll never know.

That's probably why I have no friends because all I do is judge people. But they judge me too and at least I'm only a mean person in my mind. Right?

The school bell rings and the class is out of here in a hurry. Of course, I'm the last to leave because I can't stop dropping my books everywhere. Being clumsy sucks.

I pick up all my papers off the floor and shove them into my bag before awkwardly waddling out the door. It takes me a while to reach my locker, since the locker rooms are so small and I can't walk two steps without being tripped over.

Anya, the stereotypical cheerleader is walking right my way and she doesn't look happy. Her groupies follow tightly behind her and every guy she passes, can't help but check her out.

She stops in front of me and rips my beanie off my head before throwing it to the ground.

"Oh sorry," she snickers sarcastically.

"Was I in your way or something?" I snicker back. I've really had enough of this girls drama.

"How dare you talk to me like that, dork!" She takes a step closer, "you know exactly why I'm mad at you so stop pretending you don't!"

"I actually have no idea why you're mad at me." I mumble.

"You think you're so 'cool' don't you, Bailey. If you take another step towards MY boyfriend, I will be dealing with you. And it'll be easy to break you because YOU'RE WEAK BAILEY!" She does a girly squeal before stomping away with her groupies.

Am I supposed to feel offended? I don't even know. But I'm definitely being set up again. Why would I even want to look at her boyfriend? He's just another guy who's desperate for Anya.

I sigh and watch as the audience walk away.

I lean down to pick up my beanie and a small gasp escapes my mouth as I see another hand reaching down to pick it up. I look up and my eyes meet with pair of glassy blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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