Temptation Chapter 5

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I'd been almost three weeks since I met Karn. People at school glared at me every time we walked down a corridor holding hands. I simply smiled at the jealous stares and carried on.

Luke kept appearing out of nowhere and kept begging for me to forgive him. I had no idea what had gotten into him. Suddenly, he didn't care about Karn. My stomach fluttered when the thought of him missing me came into my mind one night. To be honest, I missed him.

But I wasn't ready to forgive him just yet.

I was also sneaking off with Karn and running from my brothers who still hadn't gotten over the fact that Karn and I kissed.

It was Saturday. I promised I'd introduce Karn to the girls tonight at Winter's party. It seemed crazy that I hadn't already introduced my boyfriend to my girlies, but I had a good reason. I wanted Karn to myself so he knew I wasn't as bad as them when he finally met them.

I wore a white shirt with 'Royalty' on and a crown in diamonds, a pair of jeans, silver pumps, a long, grey cardigan, and a black belt. I straightened my brown hair and applied a small amount of foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a light swipe of lip gloss so I looked natural, but also that I made a little effort. Karn texted saying he was around the corner.

I blew out a deep breath, grabbed my overnight bag and raced out the door.

"Karn's here. See you later. I'm sleeping at Char and Winter's so don't wait up." I shouted, slamming the door shut. I heard Alex and Max's voice yell so I pegged it down the drive, just as Karn's Ferrari stopped. The passenger's door flew open and I raced like hell down the drive. I jumped in the car just as Max and Alex came running like hell down the drive. Boy, were they fast!

"Go!" I cried. A second later Karn slammed his foot down and we were racing down the road. I looked behind me to see Max stop, panting with both hands on his knees.

"What a way to say hello." Karn chuckled. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Do you know how hard it is to run when you have these pumps on?" I asked, breathlessly.

"Nope," Karn smiled, "And I don't intend to."

I smiled at him and buckled up my seatbelt.

"Whoa, you're going to crash!" I gasped as he shot around the corner like someone from a car racing film. "Karn, in case you haven't noticed, I value my life."

"Trust me,"

"It's a little hard to trust someone when you've only known them for three weeks." I muttered.

"But it's okay to kiss them?"

"Of course." I said too quickly, making him laugh. "Aren't you drinking, tonight?" I asked, wondering why he brought his car.

"No, I've got to be up early tomorrow," Karn sighed.

"Maybe you could just leave the car at Winter and Char's and get a taxi home?"


I smiled when he took my hand. I looked back, still on edge, to see if my brothers were following. Karn chuckled and raised my hand to his lips.

"A word of warning. One, don't judge me when you meet these two lunatics. And two, Winter and Char will probably start a fight because they can't help themselves - especially if Micah the mare and Raquel the rat come."

Karn burst out laughing, "Mika the what? Raquel the who?"

"Oh they're these bitches who me, Winter and Char hate. Please don't get me started on them."

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