Chapter 3

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I froze...

Why were the police calling?

I picked up the call.

Kendall: H-Hello?

Policemen: Hello, you must be Kendall right? Sierra's little sister I'm guessing.

Kendall: Uh yes?

My heart dropped by his scary deep voice.

Policemen: Well, we have some good news and bad news for you Kendall.

Kendall: Why what happened?

Policemen: Please head to Chester Hospital, if you'd like further information. Thank you for your talk Kendall. Bye.

Kendall: WHAT?! What happened to Sierra tell m-

He hung up before I could finish my sentence. My hands felt like ice.

My heart started to speed up. I started crying.

I felt like I was about to die. My head started feeling heavy.

I sat down and tried to calm myself down. I drank water while trying to stay strong.

What happened to her?

I shouldn't of never left her, I feel so horrible. It's all my fault.

Why did I leave her.


All the words and questions starting rushing through my mind like a river.

I just couldn't stop crying, it's all my fault.

I couldn't even help her.

I felt like trash. If I was able to help her she wouldn't of been in the hospital.

I wondered that whole night why she was in hospital, but I knew it was my fault. Why did I leave her?

My headache got worse ever second, and my heart felt broken as ever. I was scared, angry and upset at the same time.

I felt hopeless.


The next morning I woke up really late, around 11 am. I was already late do I decided to skip school for today.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face.

It all felt like a dream.

A dream I couldn't stop, almost like a nightmare.

A nightmare you can't wish away.

I still felt hopeless after the call, but I decided to go to Chester Hospital.

I needed to find my sister.

I headed upstairs with a tear rushing down my face.

I entered my bedroom and started to change into some comfy clothing.

I chose this

I chose this

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