Chapter 1

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Taylor walked softly down the corridor careful not to make noise. She couldn't risk waking anyone up. Not today. She neared the wall and moved her hands across it. Feeling the loose brick she clicked it in as the door slid open, making no noise in the process. She stepped in and walked down the staircase.

Making her way to the main table she looked at the 6 bottles laid out in front of her. She smiled softly as she looked at the blood red liquid.

6 bottles.

For 6 people.

She picked up Karyn- her cobra- and Karyn wrapped herself around Taylor's arm.
She wasn't scared of Karyn. Why would she be? Karyn was her best friend. Karyn opened her mouth as her fangs came into plain view, the tips dripping poison. Opening up the bottles she placed Karyns mouth near the bottles as a few drops fell into the bottles. The red turned clear and she looked at it, the tips of her mouth smiling ever so softly.

It's time
She quickly changed out of her night gown, putting on a mini dress and knee high boots. She had never worn anything like this before but she wanted change.

Change she wanted ever since she killed her father.

And today it was finally going to happen.

She waved her hands and Karyn and the bottles turned into two snake rings. One rose gold and the other black.

They all looked at her, dumbstruck.

"What are you wearing?!" Kris- her stepmother- asked.

"Clothes" Taylor said innocently.

"Those.. are.. clothes?" her stepsister Kim asked. The royal family didn't really wear short dresses, and Taylor definitely didn't. So why now.

"Yes, Kim. Can we eat mom?" Sarcasm was dripping from her voice. She went and sat on a chair.

Her family - her stepmom, stepsisters Kendall and Kim, half brothers Calvin and Jake and Kim's husband Kanye- just stood there staring at each other.

This was exactly what Taylor wanted.

She snapped her fingers softly and the rose gold ring disappeared of her finger. She smirked as she saw everyone's juice change colour slightly. Those dumb wits will never notice. They all sat in their seats still shocked.
Taylor smirked at their expressions and started eating.

"What the hell is this" Kim snarled as she spit out a piece of bacon. "You never do anything right" the poor maid trembled wild whispering soft 'I'm sorrys'. Taylor rolled her eyes at her childish behaviour.

Finally it was time for the drinks, the royal family had a rule, no one was allowed to drink before a mean or during it. Everyone will drink it with the family. Stupid crap kris had demanded.

They all drowned their glasses and that's when the real fun began.
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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