Long ago before Nightmare Moon was born out of the darkness of her own heart... long before everything else that happened... there was a unicorn king... and an alicorn princess who ruled over the night... they met and fell in love right away so the 2 got married and had twin fillies, whom they named Ruby Moon and Raven Eclipse. Things were going great that was until one day... the unicorn king himself became unsatisfied with the power he and his wife had and decided to increase it. The princess was not fond of the idea and quickly disagreed with his decision and tried to reassure him that there was no need to increase the power they already had over Equestria, but didn't listen to her. So he continued on with his plans on increasing their power over the land but still remained unsatisfied until he discovered the crystal empire and the power the crystal heart possesses he overthrows the queen and takes over the empire changing everything and making it into his image and turned all the local crystal ponies into his slaves. The moon princess was furious and heart broken at what he's done and the dark path he's gone down. So with no other option she and her sister stopped him and used the 6 powerful tools known as the elements of harmony to banish him. Not long after the banishment the princess's daughter Raven disappeared with out a trace leaving the moon princess completely distraught and devastated. She looked all over for her daughter but could not find her anywhere leading to the assumption that she was dead. Although devastated the moon princess vowed to keep her other daughter Ruby Moon safe and happy no matter what the cost. And now-
???: Thundercrash!
Thundercrash: !!!
???: Are you reading that story again?
Thundercrash: Uuuhhh yeah mom.
???: *Sigh* I swear you spend way to much time reading books. You need to go out and make some friends!
Thundercrash: Mom I already have friends Starlight and Cupcake. Remember?
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Everything
FantasyThundercrash Diamond, a young unicorn stallion was chosen by the 4 legendary alicorn princesses named, Luna, Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and Mi Amore Cadenza(Cadance) to not only learn about the magic of friendship but to travel to a new part of Equ...