Chapter 3: Harmony Reborn Part 2

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*Previously on My Little Pony Friendship Is Everything, our young unicorn stallion Thundercrash Diamond finally arrives at the kingdom of nature and reunites with his foalhood friend and crush princess Ruby Moon, daughter of the legendary princess Luna and niece to another legendary princess named Celestia, he meets a couple new ponies while back in Canterlot a mysterious mare and stallion who turned out to both be alicorns attack the night guards at the entrance to the palace and plan to pay princess Luna a visit*

Luna: *Exits the dream realm and she suddenly hears some noises* Huh? What is that noise? *She then hears a few screams and gasps* That came from the throne room! *Takes off and flies towards the throne room*

*At the throne room*

NG: *He also turns into crystals*


???: *Uses his magic and wraps a few more guards into some black vines and laughs evilly* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

???: These are the royal night guards?! Pathetic!

???: Yeah such weaklings! I was really hoping for a challenge!


Both: *Look at her*

Luna: So you've finally shown yourself? How dare you threaten and attack our kingdom!

???: Ehehehehe! Now now is that anyway to speak to your own flesh and blood?

Luna: What?

???: Aaawww you don't reconize me? Well I'm pretty disappointed mother.

Luna: Show yourselves!

???: *Steps into the light*

???: *Steps into the light*

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