Holy Fuck

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I never thought that I would be bound on the couch with one of my teachers kissing my neck. I always read about stories online and shit but it was strange for it to become real.

My yearbook teacher kissed my neck for a while, placing tiny kisses here and there. There were moments where I just could feel hickeys forming. I bit my lip hard, embarrassed and nervous. I didn't make a sound though I whimpered a few times. I closed my eyes, her hands on either side of my upper body.

"Are you okay?" I felt her lips against my ear, her words swirling around in my lust drunken brain.

"Yea." I whisper softly, keeping my eyes closed. I felt her lips against my jaws. Fuck, how soft they felt!

"Are you sure?" She murmured as her lips skimmed my jaw and up to my lips. Before I could answer I was engulfed in a deep kiss. I parted my lips just softly to feel hers crash into mine like waves against the sandy beach. I couldn't help but to kiss her back. This was so illegal but it felt right. It felt... amazing...

When she pulled away, I lay there breathless. Her hand cupped my cheek as her thumb rubbed against my lower lip.

"Open your eyes," she cooed. "And look at me, Salem."

A bit petrified, my eyes fluttered open. I gazed up upon the sight of my yearbook teacher, her finger tips tracing against my stomach gently. I tensed up, not meaning to but it happened, and bit my lip. Her fingers dipped lower and lower, soon finding the hem of my lace panties I wore today. Her fingers stopped there.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea, Miss," I whimper softly, the room so silent I could hear a pin drop. "We could get caught."

"Oh I know," she chuckled softly, a dangerous fire lighting in her eyes. "But that's the fun of all this... you see," she moved herself down, kissing around my chest, dipping between my breasts, and down across my stomach multiple of times. Each kiss, each lick, made me whimper out louder and louder the closer she got to my panties. "I've watched you, Salem. You're a loner. You sit alone, eat alone, work alone, you probably have even touched herself alone for a very long time.. too long in my opinion."

I immediately closed my legs tightly, her tongue dragging around to my hip. I felt the wetness trail down the top of my thigh. Her fingertips gently skimmed the outsides then firmly pushed over and between. My legs were opened. I didn't put up much of a fight. My insides were aching and between my legs were throbbing. I couldn't handle it when I felt teeth slip down my inner thighs. I gasped sharply, bite marks indenting my skin all over. I twitched, squirmed, whimpered. I couldn't even stay quiet for long.

"Fuck, fuck," I whimpered as a pool of heat began right between my legs. "Shit, mm!"

"Shhh," hissed Ms. Campbell softly. "Cursing isn't permitted." She went back to teasing me. I swore she wanted to hear my beg for it but I couldn't allow that. I shook my head no even though she didn't pay attention.

"Gah! Fuck!" I whine out loudly, my back arching slightly.

"All you have to do is ask," Ms. Campbell purred. "Just say it, Salem~"

Yes Miss? // PAUSED //Where stories live. Discover now