nervous; part one

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kim dongyoung was sweating.

he was standing there on a sunday afternoon in a cafe, and he was sweating. it wasn't even warm in there; it was autumn and the leaves had just begun to fall outside. his palms were clammy. he wiped them on his jeans and pushed his round glasses up his nose.

"doyo?" his friend questioned, glancing up at him. "dongyoung?"

"y-yes," he stammered, blinking.

the boy across the cafe who had met his gaze and held it this whole time, smirked. he had jet-black hair, a dozen rings sparkling on his ears and wore a black hoodie. he was sitting at a round table with another boy whose name was seo youngho, but dongyoung barely noticed him. it was the black-haired boy who was making him nervous, and all they were doing was looking at each other.

"come on," dongyoung's friend muttered, tugging on the taller's sleeve.

dongyoung blindly followed the shorter to another table, sitting down with his arms resting on the smooth surface.

"you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine, tae," dongyoung mumbled, having finally dragged his gaze away from the black-haired boy. he pushed his glasses up his nose (they were slipping down, again) and stared at the table. he was having such an intense one-way staring contest with the table that he didn't hear his friend taeyong speak, (again).

"earth to dongyoung," the blond sang teasingly.

"sorry. what?" dongyoung questioned.

"i asked what coffee you want," taeyong said, moving his too-long pale blond fringe out of his eyes. then he grinned. "ha! trick question - i know you hate coffee."

dongyoung threw him a look.

"anyway..." taeyong said, dragging out the word. "what do you want?"

"is it my turn to pay?" the bespectacled boy asked, wrinkling his nose.

taeyong gave a sunny smile, nodding. "i want a caramel macchiato."

"always so expensive," dongyoung grumbled. "i'm having milk tea, like always."

"watermelon," the blond guessed.

"honeydew," dongyoung corrected, getting up from his seat and taking his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans.

he walked towards the counter, his gaze drawn to that small black-haired male sitting at the table nearby. the man in question had thrown his head back with a loud laugh, his teeth showing in a wide grin. he slapped his friend on the arm, who protested greatly, shaking his head. he tugged on the cords of his black hoodie, glancing round to find dongyoung staring at him again.

and dongyoung tripped over his lanky legs, managing to catch himself just in time. he went up to the counter, cheeks aflame. he was too busy being embarrassed to notice the way taeyong was stealing glances at the table seo youngho and the black-haired boy were sitting at.

"one caramel macchiato and one honeydew milk tea, please," he stammered, frowning as his face burned red. he paid for the drinks and took them back to the table, where taeyong was absorbed in his phone. "here, tae," dongyoung grunted, putting the drink down in front of him.

"thank you," he replied, smiling.

"you're only that happy because i paid for it," dongyoung grumbled, sitting down and sipping at his own drink. "who are you texting?"

"just someone," taeyong said, his smile turning playful.

"okay," dongyoung said with a shrug, his eyes catching the black-haired guy's gaze. it was the smaller who had been staring at him that time.

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