nervous; part two

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when dongyoung came to the next morning, it was like a tiny elf was inside his skull, tapping incessantly with a fucking hammer. merry christmas.

dongyoung groaned. he felt sweaty, and hot all over. he could feel the daylight burning through his lids so he refused to open them. he seemed to be intact, but his body ached from excessive terrible dancing. he remembered that much, and gagged. then he had to run to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl, groggily wiping his mouth with his tie, which was somehow still around his neck.

"you okay, dongyoung?" taeil called sleepily from (dongyoung thought) his bedroom.

dongyoung groaned and trudged through the living room, stopping to close the curtains but he gave a whine when he had to raise his arms to do so. he rubbed his eyes and wished his head would stop throbbing so much as he went towards taeil's bedroom, expecting to find his housemate curled up on his bed. but the open door revealed the bed made and empty.

"taeil?" he mumbled. dongyoung struggled to remember what happened last night. it would be useful if he could remember, he mused as he ran his fingers over the pale column of his neck. "ow!" he muttered in surprised, as his fingers pressed a spot on the side of his neck. "wait, what the fuck?"

dongyoung was suddenly awake as he rushed to the mirror in the hallway, eyes wide as he inspected his neck. he could see five dark red marks that were starting to turn purple.

"no, no, no," he chanted, blinking aggressively as if that would somehow make the marks disappear. the hickeys. dongyoung gagged again. who had he been kissing? and who had made those marks on him!?

his eyes widened again as a fuzzy memory came back to him.

chittaphon had kissed his cheek, practically purring as he asked him if he wanted to dance. and dongyoung had been drunk enough to agree, with the shorter man wrapping a hand around his bicep and leading him inside the house. the thumping music drowned out any anxious thoughts and another glass of wine removed dongyoung of his inhibitions completely.

he watched himself go bright red, groaning and turning away from his reflection as he pressed his thin hands to his hot cheeks. he'd kissed chittaphon. dongyoung was slapped into soberity by the image and feeling of the short man pressing his body against him and sucking on his neck, heat flooding to parts that dongyoung would have rather avoided getting excited in that moment. he shook his head in disbelief as the events of last night slowly returned. he had been making out with chittaphon, the smaller eager to hurry things along but dongyoung was still nervous. the whole ordeal was rather overwhelming and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now.

"taeil?" he called, wandering in the direction of yubin's room. he tried to get his dick to calm down but his head was still full of thoughts of chittaphon and his eyes, his mouth, his hands. taeil's bedroom door was open and dongyoung immediately regretted putting his glasses on. "yep. gay," he uttered, putting his hands over his eyes, immediately turned off, "i'm totally gay. massive twink. yeah."

sure, she was his housemate, but dongyoung never thought he would see her semi-naked. seeing taeil naked was already enough of a turn-off for him. (but not for yubin, evidently.)

"oh my god," taeil stammered, beyond embarrassed. he threw the bedsheet over yubin, who had woken up and realised that she had thrown her crop top out of the fucking window last night, yelling, "i don't need this kind of restraint!" she almost burst out laughing at the scene before her, but covered her chest as taeil looked everywhere but at her.

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