chapter 6

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I sat on the ground Indian style waiting for Bear to return with the ball I had thrown for him. The sliding glass door opened and I turned my head to see Theo.

"What are you doing out here? "He said sitting down next to me.

Bear returned with the ball before I could answer.

" The party is inside you know." He said taking the ball from my hand and throwing it.

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why are you out here?" He said.

"I dunno." I mumbled. Bear made his way back and laid down, plopping his head on my leg. Not before growling at Theo first obviously.

"I guess I'm just not fully comfortable with everyone yet." I shrugged, busying myself by petting Bears head.

We sat in silence for a good minute or two before I spoke up again.

"You can go inside with your friends. I'll just be hanging out with Bear." I said keeping my eyes trained on the big dog.

Theo got up after staring at me for a few seconds, mumbling a 'I'll be right back' on his way up. Not even five minutes later he returns with a bowl of fruit and two bottles of Sunny-D orange juice. He sits down next to me and hands me a bottle and placed the bowl in between us.

"Here we go." He says, then pops a grape into his mouth.

"I want to know some more about you Ryn." He says, grabbing a strawberry slice and handing it to me.

I take it and eat the red fruit.

"Like what?" I ask.

"What's your full name?" He asks.

"Kamryn Linn Ash."

"Okay, whats you're favorite color?"


"Favorite animal?"

"Probably cats, sorry Bear." I say covering Bears ears.

"Biggest pet peeve." Theo asks while laughing.

"When people squeak their shoes on the ground when they're walking." I respond quickly. (A/n:actually is my biggest pet peeve.)

"That was a fast response." He said, raising his dark eyebrows.

I just shrugged as my reply.

"Okay, biggest fear." He says, turning sideways so he's facing me.

I thought about it for a minute.

People, big scary looking dudes, social interaction.

"You know what, I can't really think of something off the top of my head." I said shrugging again.

"Mm okay." He says. His face tells me that he doesn't believe me.

"Where did you live before you came here?" He asked next.

"Kentucky ."

"Kentucky to California. Far trip."

"Yeah. I guess."

Conner appeared from inside. And walked up to behind us.

"Hey Jax said we should all go out on the boat for the day. Maybe find an island to camp on or something." He said.

"Okay. When are we going to go?" Theo said, standing and then holding out his hand to help me up. I pushed Bears head off my leg and grabbed his hand.

"Everyone is leaving now to go get some things then we're all meeting back here." Connor said.

"Okay. I don't need to go back home, I brought enough for a weekend anyways."

"Alright I'm going to go pack. You should start packing too Kamryn."

I mumbled out an 'okay'.

"Let's start your packing." Theo said dragging me in the house. Bear walked behind us at my feet.

We made it up to my room and Theo plopped down on my bed. I pulled out a duffel bag and opened up my closet. Grabbing a couple pairs of shorts and tee shirts along with socks and undergarments and stuffing them in my duffel bag. I also grabbed my only bikini. I started to dig around, looking for an oversized hoodie.

"What are you looking for?" Theo said, standing right behind me.

"A big hoodie." I said, moving some things around.

Theo walked out of the room without a word. I shrugged and walked to the dresser to find some comfy shorts for the car ride. Theo walked back in with a hoodie in his hand. He handed it to me.

"Oh thank you." I said, placing it on my bed.

"How long is the ride to wherever we're going?" I asked.

"About three and a half hours."

I nodded and walked out of the room with the shorts and Theos hoodie. I brushed my teeth and changed into the clothes I brought. When I walked back into my room where Theo was still sitting on my bed. I grabbed my charger and other other necessities and stuffed them in the bag too. The door slammed down stair and multiple voices were heard.

"Looks like everyone is back." Theo places his hand on my back and we walked to the first room for him to grab his bag.

When we got downstairs everyone was making plans for car arrangements.

"Okay, I brought my moms suv so we can fit and I called my uncle and he said the boat is on the dock and good to go. All we need to do is go get food." Jax said.

After that we all walked to the white suv that was outside. Theo put down the middle row seats and gestured for me to get in first. Once Theo got in after me, he pulled up the seat and Wesley and Willa got in the middle row. Willa threw blankets that she brought at us. Jax and Conner got in the front and Conner passed back the red blanket that I've been using in the basement.

"Thank you" I mumbled as it made its way to me. Theo and I started arranging the blankets around us so it was comfortable to sit for a few hours. Jax stopped the car at a grocery store and everyone got out. We grabbed some snacks and frozen pizzas and other things that were easy to make. And made our way back on the road.

With Conner as DJ and Willa and Wesley both being backseat drivers the first hour was loud. Then Wesley fell asleep so Willa has no one to argue with. I was leaned back against the window and Theo somehow managed to fall asleep on my chest. After 10 minutes and running my fingers through his hair, I also fell asleep.

Word count:1061
Should I make the chapters a little longer?
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