read before you waste your life

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Days ago.. I was listening to a song sang by someone who killed himself... Hmm...

It made me wonder.... After his death ... Did he not regret wasting his life? ...

I mean... They said... When you die... You'll be roaming around earth as a spirit or a ghost...
And of course you'll see how your friends and families are doing....

Seeing them mourn... Wouldn't it make you  realize a lot of stuffs?

Btaw... Ambot btaw... Like... After their deaths... To those who did suicide... Did they not regret wasting their lives? ....

No one knows .. what's life after death.... Isn't it such a waste... Finishing something you aren't sure of where you are going next? ...

You were depressed when you were still alive... But seeing your love ones mourn wouldn't make you less depressed right?
You left them wounds that will never heal

If you live .. you can continue trying to seek for happiness... But when you die ... I wonder how you'll be able to make yourself happy if you see  people grieving ..
You're just there.. standing... Watching....and that's all you could do... 

And lastly who knows.... What if after your death you'll be in a very dark abyss looking place... You see nothing... Hear nothing.... Just plain darkness....
Wouldn't that make you feel lonelier and emptier.... You only have memories with you...
Few memories you could only replay....
And  who knows... Regret is eating you slowly making it way agonizing


What do you guys say? I mean... Yeah some believes in heaven and in hell but.... No one knows how it really feels to be there nor what it's like living there ....

We only have ideas that happiness is in heaven and agony is in hell....

I respect each beliefs in every religion... I just can't help but think what's life after death...

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