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Izuku's POV

While me and Shinsou were walking to the cafe I just started ranting on about heroes and stuff. He gave off a tiny smile and listened to everything. Well I think he did. I decided to start up conversation since I was mostly doing the talking right now.

"Sooo what is the cafe we are going to called?" I ask.

"H-huh? Oh it's called Lemon. It's also a cat cafe if you don't mind..."


Turns out I was to loud because a couple people just glanced over at me annoyed.

"S-sorry! Was I to loud?"

"No its fine. Anyway whats your favorite kind of cat? Mine is a tuxedo."

"Same!" I say excitedly.

We started chatting more and more while walking to the cafe. Well more like I was skipping and he was walking. We finally arrive at the cafe.

I take out my wallet to pay for the entrance (Since I am pretty sure there is an entrance fee for going into cat cafes) when all of a sudden Shinsou pays for both of us.

"H-hey! I could have paid for myself you know." I say pouting a little.

"Well I did invite you here so its my treat." He replies smirking.

I blush a little but then follow him inside to sit down at a booth across from each other. The waiter comes by and gives us our menus. I start reading what was on when all of a sudden Shinsou asked me something.

"So you wanna talk about what happened this morning? You know with you bumping into me? You looked pretty distressed from what I could tell."

"O-oh ya that...." I almost forgot about my break up with Todoroki, I wished I did.

"W-well you see.... me and my boyfriend had a b-big f-fight and broke u-up. W-well I g-guess I was u-upset since I really did love him..." I start to tear up and I guess Shinsou noticed because he got up from his booth chair and sat next to me and gave me a hug.

I hugged him back and cried a little. It still hurt. I actually loved Todoroki and seeing him betray me like that felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. I soon realize that we are at a restaurant so I stop crying and wipe away my tears.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to cry! Sorry for bothering you."

"Its fine you didn't bother me at all. Look lets order."

"Okay!" I say trying to forget what just happened.

After awhile we ordered food and started to chat some more. I actually enjoyed myself. I felt happy and almost completely forgot about the break up. Our drinks and food come which I had to admit it was better then expected! We even had cute little kittens eat with us which was ten times cuter! One of the kittens sat on Shinsous head which made me snort out my strawberry smoothie. It then made him crack up. At he end he paid for the food which I again started playfully yelling at him on how I could have paid for it myself but he again just walked away grinning.

We talk some more and stop at a few stores. We get to this one store where they sold a bunch of plushies. I start playing with all of them and throwing a couple at Shinsou. I smile and he returns it. 

Shinsou's POV

We walk into a plushie store and as soon as we step in Midoryia runs around and acts like a little kid playing with the plushies. I laugh at her and she returns it by throwing a plushie at my face. This time its her turn to laugh. I smile at her and she smiles back. We ended up leaving with two plushies. One for me and one for her. She bought them both as friendship plushies. They were both dinos one green and one purple that had a heart that connected when the dolls sat next to each other. The heart says 'Friends'. I thought it was childish but it was cute. 

We ended up chatting some more and make our way back to U.A. Once we make it to the 1-A building we stop walking and face each other.

"Thanks for taking me out Shinsou! You made this whole situation better. Thanks." She says smiling brightly.

God. That smile is so bright that it could put the sun to shame. 

"No problem. Hey give me your number so you can text me if you ever need help again or just want to go out." I say holding out my phone so that she could type in her number. 

"Okay!" She says as she types in her number than texts herself and saves my number on her phone. 

She hugs me, I hug her back and pat her head. She smiles and grabs her plushie then heads inside. I smile behind her and go back to my dorm building thinking about where i'm going to put my plushie. 

Class 1-A POV

They watch Shinsou and Midoryia from the bushes. They watch as Shinsou and Midoryia hug and say goodbye. They see the plushies that were bought and they overheard their conversation. Once they both left they all got up from hiding in the bushes. 

"So from what I am guessing from the conversation Shinsou was helping Midoryia feel better from something." Tokoyami says. 

"I thought they were dating! That sucks." Mina complains. 

'Thank god they aren't dating. Maybe I still have a chance.' Todoroki thought. 

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