No Turning Back

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So I'm sorry for making that last chapter short but I felt if it was shorter it'll make you want to keep on reading .

But here we go

Last chapter recap:

So whenever they smile, I have about 10 seconds to prepare myself for anything. Why is the number ten seem so.. so... remembering. Was I supposed to remember 10 of something. 10. Ten. OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!!! Ten seconds until the perfect plan. Should I run back? No. This is it.






5. No turning back. It's now or never.





And back to the story

Katelin's pov

As I stood in the middle of the living room, my family's attention turned off of me and went to the front door. This was it. I had actually been planning this plan for a couple of weeks now, but I never knew that it would actually happen. My dad opened, and closed the door.

"Who was it dad?" My older sister June asked.

I looked around the room and before my dad could answer I had my own question. "Where's Cameron?" Cameron was my slightly older twin brother, but just by 10 seconds. I have and never will hear the end of him boasting about how he's older than me.

"June no one was there, and freak of nature he's not here."

Good. Not good that he called me a freak of nature, but good, because I knew what was happening. Another knock on the door. This time half the family went to the door.

"Who was it honey?" Said my mom.

"No one..."

The third knock. Here we go.

The whole family except for me went to the door. They opened the door, and as expected they all went outside and took a look around, by the time they got back I had snuck out the back door, and slipped into my boyfriend Ricky's car to find my brother Cameron, and his girlfriend Summer. My family was as hard on him as they were on me. That's why every birthday he was never at the house. This time I wanted to be with him, and with Ricky.

Me and Ricky have been together for over 3 years. I met him in elementary school, and from the start we were inseparable. At first we were just best friends, but in eighth grade he asked me out. I said yes on the spot, because he made me forget about my family. He made me feel loved and wanted and I never wanted to lose that feeling... or him. He was a tall, light skinned, brown haired, brown eyed, 15 year old man who was always there for me. He never knew what I had gone through but he was still there and cared for me.

"Hey. You feeling okay?" Ricky said, as I slid into the car buckling my seat belt.

"I'm fine. Let's go we have 47 seconds until they find us."

Before pulling off he leaned in and kissed me. Nothing to sexual, but something for me to know that I am cared for. To let me know that he's here for me.

"You really have this thing planned straight down to the decimal point huh?" Ricky questioned jokingly. I shot him a sarcastic yet playful smile.

"Hey Summer." I said taking my attention off of Ricky. Summer was my best friend in the whole world. We have known each other since we were one. Her and Cameron have been together for 6 years. They started dating when we were in fifth grade. I admit that I was hurt when I found out that they were together, but it didn't surprise me. I always knew that they would get together eventually.

"Hey Katelin. You two alright?"

"Ya. We're good. Where are we going?"

"Actually..." Ricky said pulling over, and pulling out his phone. "Cameron I just texted you."

"You really wanna do this now?"

"No turning back right? It's now or never."

"Okay... What's going on?" I asked looking at Ricky's face. I am the best at reading people, but unfortunately Ricky was the best at hiding his expression. I looked at Summer's questioning face, and knew she had no part in this. Sensing me coming Cameron immediately hid his face in his hands.

"Summer there's something I need to tell you... in private" Cameron said taking summer in the empty parking lot Ricky had pulled into.

"Happy birthday Kate." Ricky said handing me a light blue bag.

"You know I don't like presents."

"Open it."  I opened that bag and pulled out the small box. I opened that box to find an incredible gold ring with a red ruby on it. The ruby was so shiny, it was the perfect shade of red.

"Oh my.. You shouldn't have."

"It's a promise ring." He commented as he took the ring from me and slid it onto my left ring finger. It fit perfectly. This man is perfect he knew everything about me. The stuff I didn't even know. For instance, my ring size.

"It's beautiful, how did you get my ring size?"

"That's not important. What's important is that we're together, and never splitting up. Katelin I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you, and start a family with you. We're too young for that. I don't want to do something without us being able to take care of our self. I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, but we're just now getting our jobs and everything and I thought we should wait."

I honestly had nothing to say. He had rendered me speechless, and there was nothing I could do, but kiss him. As my lips touched his him holding my waist. I waited. Waited for him to deepen the kiss. He didn't, but my brother and his girlfriend got back in the car, and I hadn't blamed him. Is this what they had planned?

"So... What did he say Sum?"

"He gave me a promise ring." She explained as she showed me her ring. Gemstone. It was pretty, but not as pretty as mine. After a night of going to diner, and the movies just 10 minutes from my house I asked Ricky a question I had been meaning to ask him for a long time.

"Can I live at your house?"

I like where this book is going

Do you?

You do

I know you do




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