Learning (part 1)

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So i'm in school like every other Monday through Friday. Ugh..... At least I'm a junior. That means only two more years of Highschool . Well, less than that because the second semester just started. "Hello everyone! We have a new classmate with us today! His name is Colby Brock, I expect you all to treat this new young man very well." Mrs. Guthie declared. "So you want us all to treat this breadstick of a boy like a human?" I ask in a rude, sarcastic tone. "Mr. Taylor! Do not treat your new classmate like that! You never know he might turn into a g-" Just then, Elton interrupted her. "Yo Brennen, I bet he's a pretty boy." "Damn, I owe you money then." I replied. The entire class broke out into a laughing mess. "HEY EVERYONE! STOP BEING RUDE!!! WHOEVER WANTS TO LAUGH, CAN LEAVE!" "Oooooooo, so scary!" I say, waving my arms. "MR. TAYLOR, OUT!!! NOW!!"

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I grab my lunch, put my food code in, and walk with Corey, Elton, Jake, and Aaron. All following me to our table. On the way, I couldn't help but glance at Colby and give him a smirk. Damn, his dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes made him look like a helpless creature that I'll love to destroy.


I'm sitting at a table by myself when I see Brennen walking with some other dudes following him. I must've been looking at him for too long because he looked at me and smirked. After that, I see him sit down with a girl that seems to be a cheerleader sit on his lap facing towards him. I look down and stare at the table because I didn't have the appetite to eat. Shortly after, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump to the sudden touch and turn around to see a skinny blonde kid. "Hey, why are you by yourself?" He asked in a concerned voice. "Um.. Well I'm new here and I don't know anyone. Plus, this "Brennen" kid destroyed my first day here." I answered. "Well, I don't really have people to talk to either... so.. Can I sit here?" he asks then sits down next to me. "Oh, sure. Yeah". " So if you are looking to date him, just know it's Brennen. He doesn't love, he fucks and moves on." Sam said, rolling his eyes. I look up to see Brennen making out with that girl from earlier. "Oh no, I don't like him. Its just like... I don't know."

(After lunch)


I just walked out the janitor's closet from a quick blowjob and behind it some great sex. She better know that I don't love her. I just want her body. She better not get pregnant either. Because if she does, I'll kick her in the damn stomach. I walk to my next class when the bell rings. "Eh.. Fuck it," I just walk in the door expecting what was coming. "Brennen, you're late again." Miss. Gudge said, clearly aggravated, and points to my seat. "Great! Fag is here. I could help you find a boyfriend, If someone actually liked you." I say and sit down at the same table. I then glance at Colby. Damn, why is he so cute. He pulls over his hood to cover his face. Then, I hear a faint sentence from Colby. "I wanna kill myself..." I look at him and his eyes are no longer blue. They're grey, and the whites of his eyes are a faded red. 'Was he crying? What the hell. Already? And I didn't even do anything to him.' I write a note on a piece of paper and pencil I got from the people around me saying: "Why are you crying? And whats your 7th period?" I folded it then passed it to him. He looks at it with a puzzled look. He grabs it, reads it, and then gestures for the pencil. He taps me and passes the note. I opened it. The note said:


( b= Brennen c= Colby. Easy!)

B= Why are you crying?
And what's your 7th period?

C= Why would you care? You don't. So don't talk to me.

B= I do. If I didn't I wouldn't
be asking you why you were. So,
please just tell me.

C= Because! Okay damn.
Now leave me alone!

B= C'mon, just tell me
your last period.

C= Mr.Claude now stop.

B= Okay I'll see you then

C= I don't want to talk to you.


The bell rings and Colby rushes out into the hall when, just then, I heard a bang. I didn't think much about it, so I keep walking.


"Let me go!" I say panicked. This random kid dragged into a janitors closet, slamming the door shut behind us. "Who the fuck are you?!" I asked before I got pushed face first into the wall of the closet. "I'm Elton. I was in your 4th period class. Now, I'm going to know what a pretty boy feels like. Stay still for me, won't you?" "What?! No!" I tried to resist but failed. 'Damn it! Why is he so strong?!' I could feel my clothes being tugged off. First it was my hoodie over my head, then, it was my pants down to the ground off of my body. Last were my briefs. They hung around my knees. Then, Elton grabs my hips and thrust into me. I closed my eyes hard, feeling a killing pain in my abdomen. I couldn't help but to make a deep moan. I tried harder to move but failed again. I could feel his rough thrusting. I started to cry. " E-elton ple-ease stop! i-it hur-hurts!" I begged desperately, crying in pain. But the thrusting didn't stop, it got faster. I can feel him going deeper, eating away at my happiness and soul with every thrust. I try again and again to escape but fail every time. I keep crying for him to stop, but he didn't. After a few minutes, his pace slowed. When he was finally done, I fell down from pain and exhaustion. Then, he turned me to face him and came on my face. He took a picture, got dressed, then walked out closing the door behind him. I was there crying, which felt like hours. After all of that, all I felt was pain and lightheaded. I passed out.

I wake up to the door opening and closing. "OMG COLBY! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"B-brennen?" I ask in a weak, soft voice "COLBY!! COLBY!" "S-sam?"

(Yupp left you on a cliff hanger luv yall tho)

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