Damn (Part 4)

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Brennen's pov

  I wake up to my loud ass alarm.Ugh, why do I have to go to school. Wait! The picture. "Why is that this so loud?" Colby asked in a tired tone. "I need to get in the shower." I said ignoring his question and start walking to turn the alarm off. Then, I hear a loud knock. "Who is that?" Colby asked. "I don't know Colby, stay Here" I answered. On my way to the door it slams open. Its Aaron. "I need to talk to you... NOW!" Aaron said. "What Aaron?" I asked annoyed. "Is Colby here?" Aaron asked ignoring my question. "Bren- oh hey Aaron" Colby said. "Oh god. You guys really did kiss"
"Aaron what are you t-" he interrupted me my putting his phone way to close to my face. It was me and Colby. KISSING! ITS EVERYWHERE!! "Brennen I'm so sorry, I should go." Colby said with his eyes filled with tears. "NO!" I yelled. "He seemed startled and ran out of the house. "COLBY!" I called out. I ran outside. To see no Colby. "FUCK!"

Colby's pov

  I ran out of Brennen's house. I kept running and turned the corner only to see Elton. I tried to run back to Brennen but I got grabbed by the throat and thrown onto the ground. "LEAVE ME ALONE ELTON!!" I yelled. I kicked him in his stomach and tried run to my house. But, got pushed to the ground. I turned my head to see Corey, Brennen and Aaron in a car. I get up to only have a knife held to my throat by Elton. Elton, Corey and Aaron grabs me and shoves me into the car's trunk. I feel the car go and I start to scream and yell to get out but couldn't. "BRENNEN I HATE YOU YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME YOU'RE NOTHING I HATE YOU!" I yelled starting to tear up. I told you. He will never like you. I feel the car take a stop. I hear a muffled groan. "YOU'RE GAY NO ONE IS GONNA LIKE YOU. THAT FAG CHANGED YOU BRENNEN!!" It was Elton they were beating Brennen up. "SHOOT HIM!" Someone said. I then hear a gun click. "NO PLEASE NO!" I yelled. Then I hear muffled yells. A gun shot. And then.... nothing. Silence. I burst into tears. Its your fault that he's dead. Die! It's my fault. Elton opens the trunk and Corey and Aaron take me out. They lead me to Brennen's body. He got shot in his chest.

Brennen's pov

"SHOOT HIM" Corey yelled. Then, I see Elton pulling out a gun. He clicks it. "NO PLEASE NO" I hear Colby screaming and crying. Elton points the gun at me. I tried to yell but couldnt it just turned into muffled sounds. So I at least try to yell "COLBY I LOVE YO-" then I hear a gun shot and everything went black.

Elton's pov

"WHY WHY??!?!" Colby kept yelling out. Corey and Aaron tied him up and when they were done I gave Corey my phone to record what was about to happen. I walk over to Colby. "Ready for round two?" I asked then smirked. "Please not again. Please Elton I'll do anything. Just please not again." Colby said with tears in his eyes. I bend down to him. And grabbed his hair. "Okay.. But you have to tell Brennen. If he wakes up. For all I know he could be dead but I don't care. But, if he wakes up I want you to tell him that you NEVER loved him. And, that you hate him. You understand my little fag?" I asked. He just nods his head. I untie him and ran to the car. Got in with Corey and Aaron then drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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