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dear boy at the window,

it still saddens me that i don't know your name. maybe one day, you can tell me. but only if you want to. 

anyway, i just realised that all you know about me is my name. so why not tell you more about myself?

just restating, my name is park jimin. i'm eighteen years old, but it feels like i'm a child sometimes. my parents don't really care about me, so i spend most of my time alone in my room.

i had a brother, but he's gone now. car crash. i still cry about him sometimes, because he was just- he was just so perfect. my family hasn't been the same since then.

i would like a dog, but my dad is allergic, so we can't get one :(

i'm not quite sure what i want to be when i grow up. it's sort of hard deciding. 

what do you want to be?

- jimin

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