1. First Night

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Krist POV

I was very tens that how he think about me. Whether I be his husband or be his wife. I am waiting him in our room but yet he didn't come.

My whole body was shivering by thinking of that. How could we do that because I have not any single clue for this. Suddenly I heared someone open the door's lock.

I hearing foot step. My heartbeat beating fast where foot steps sounding nearer. There my heartbeat getting faster and faster.

Then suddenly I see a very tall, dark, sharper look with cute smiley face in front of me who loosenup his tie, opening his shirt's button, removing his belt. I closed my eyes and said stop... stop... stop... what are you doing?

"What? Why did you say stop. am I doing with you what? I just feel very tired. That's why I feel very uneasy. So, I get comfortable myself in my room that's it. Now, can't I even change my clothes in my room?" Singto said.

"No! It's not like that. I was just thinking that....you.... do... another thing. Because you just undressed yourself in front of me na that's why. But now in this room your partner is also here. So, you go bathroom for change your clothes." I said.

"Ok.... I will go. But now I don't wanna go to bathroom. I feel very tired. I have sleepy right now. I am not changing my clothes. I'm sleeping here." Singto said.

Then he was jumped on bed. And goes in deep sleep. Hearing of his snoring sound I didn't sleep yet. How could I sleep with this sound. I think I should lay on couch. That's a good idea.

Next day at morning. I see my husband's face, even in sleep also, he look very handsome as well as hot.

Due to sleep on couch my neck got ache. I can't even able to properly move my head. But nevertheless I went to the kitchen for making breakfast. Because I have a habit. After I wake up. First of all I eat something. Then I'll do my another work.

So, I was making my sunny side up omlette with lots of spices and of course my pink milk. Then Singto came to me with rubbing his eyes and said to me "Krist what are you doing so early in the kitchen? If you have eat something, tell me. I'll buy something for you or cook something for you."

Then I can hardly turned my head.

When Singto saw me like that. He asked me "Something wrong with your neck?"

Then I said "oh... last night I slept on couch. So, my neck got ache."

"Why you slept on couch? I didn't told you that, if I remembered. So, why did you slept there? One minute, there will be painkiller spray in the drawer. I'll get it for you." Singto said.

Then he gave me. But I can't able to use it.

Singto said "let me help you."

Then he came to my left side and he hold my shoulder for supporting my upper body so that I don't move during spraying of medicine and stand properly.

He slightly slipped my t-shirt coller for applying spray. Where I got ache on my neck. Then he sprayed the painkiller spray. The spray was felt burning a lot. Because of that burn sensation I screamed little bit and comeout from my mouth "Ah..oii.... what kind of this spray? Instead of my pain remove its more painful there on my neck because of this burning sensation."

Then Singto said "Is it painful Krist? Wait!" Suddenly he blowed his cool breath on my neck where I felt burn sensation. When I felt his cool breath for sometime I got paused. Because befor that, we never came close to each other that much.

After seeing my facial expression. Singto also feel akward. Then he said "Now is it fine?"

I said "Ya!"

"Then I will go for shower. In this condition you don't trouble yourself. We will eat something outside. Ok ?" Singto said.

Then I said "No Singto, I'll manage."

He said "You have also office. So, why you wasting your time in cooking. After we got ready. We eat something outside. I am telling you na. And I also know the good restaurant of this area."

Then I said "Ok then."

Then we both got ready. after that, we go to our office. Singto was continuously staring at me. I said "Is there something on my face?"

He mumured "No. I amazed how you look so beautiful."

I said "what?"

He said "I mean I am talking about your watch. Who gifted you?"

"Oh my mum gave me on my birthday." I said to him with grining. Somewhere I felt very weird.

Singto POV

We reached our office. Me and Krist worked in a same software company. Where I am CEO and Krist is MD in this company and this company maded by our fathers and they are longtime business partners. Also before that, they are very good friends of each other And that's why Me and Krist had married.


Krist POV

I am in the hospital because my dad got minor attack. So, he admitted in hospital. And he said to me "My last wish is son choose Singto for your lifepartner because this boy has no compare to the others. He is best for you. I know him very well. Before my death I wanna see your marriage with him. I want to you both become one." Near with me, Singto and his father were also standing. When they are hearing that thought from my father. Singto's father face seems very happy but at the same time me and Singto got shocked after hearing that.

Me and Singto are very closed friends. We always gives company to each other for our business and somewhere in friends gathering, always support each other in work. But not in that way. The way our parents sees us. We look like to our fathers that we are in love. But we both know, we are not interested in love at all. We love only our career and work. But because of my father's sensetive condition, we had no option unless to do marriage.

Doctor already said us that "Please do not give any stress or tension to the patient because still he is not fully recovered of this heart attack. So, finally with cold heart, we both agreed for this marriage. Even between us there is no heart feelings.

Then our parents are arranged all the managements of marriage. We had very grand wedding. But we both feel very awkward at the same time. Our parents are so happy for seeing us as like a husband-wife. Now on this day, we are husband and wife or maybe husband and husband. We had really not developed any kind of this feelings to each others. But due to my father's health. We do this marriage.
Present day

That's why, today we reached this kind of situation in our life. Where we can't come out from this situation. And at the same time we both doesn't like this way of living. Don't know this kind of marriage survive how many years or may be days.

And yesterday was our first night. We didn't imagine even our dreams. That Our first night had passed like this.

If all you guys are like my plot then I'll continue this story. So, please give your comments and vote to this story. Thank you for reading.😊

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