Chapter 5 💎💎💎

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Two days later
Kim's POV
  After school
I have been trying for the past two days to get to Niche but it seems like he is the one avoiding now. But not for long. After practising on my violin for a while at the school garden, I start walking home. I am to meet Kit'n'Kat at Riggs smoothie place where their school bus would have dropped them. After a tough opening basketball game and trying to get someone's attention for the past two days, I am definitely in the mood for a smoothie.
At Riggs Smoothie place.
     Me: Hey, guys.
     Kit: What took you so long?
     Me: Am so sorry. Have you ordered anything yet?
     Kat: No, we were waiting for you.
     Kit: Were you able to talk to Niche today?
      Me: No.
      Kit: Well, Kat and I found out that this is his favourite smoothie place...
       Kat: So we might run into him.

As she is finishing her sentence, Niche walks in. He sees me and luckily, our eyes meet. We hold gazes for a minute before I walk over to him.
     Me: Hi.
     Niche: (hesitantly) Hi.

He tries to sound as if he is disinterested to talk to me but his expression shows otherwise.
     Me: Uhm...I just want to apologise for what I did the other day. I shouldn't have behaved rudely to you.
     Niche: Its okay, I understand. Val already explained to me.
     Me: You know, I don't appreciate people talking about me behind my back.
     Niche: No, its not like that. She thought I was taking offense, so she explained that "it's the way Kim works".

I smile.
     Niche: Are those your siblings?
     Me: Yes.

We walk over to the table.
     Me: This is Kit and Kat.
     Niche: Hi. Nice to meet you.
     Kit'n'Kat: Nice to meet you to.
     Niche: So who is Kit exactly? I can't seem to differentiate between them.
     Me: Been there. They are so identical that even I get them mixed up at times. But Kit is the boy while Kat is the girl.
     Niche: The short hair is making it more difficult.
     Me: They actually tricked me into having the same haircut.
     Niche: Oh... Nice to meet you guys.
     Kat: Nice to meet you too.
     Kit: Now that you have finished gossiping about us, do you mind ordering the smoothies.
     Me: Yeah...I'll go place the order. What do you want?
     Kat: I want strawberry.
     Kit: I'll take banana.
     Me: Niche?
     Niche: I'll just go with you.

We return to the table with the smoothies. I give Kit the strawberry and Kat the Pineapple.
     Niche: I thought Kit wanted banana
     Me: Watch this.

I give Kit the banana and Kat the strawberry.
     Kit: I don't want pineapple.
     Kat: Give it.
     Niche: Ohh...
     Me: Yeah.

Niche's POV
After 30 minutes at the smoothie place, we are walking home. My house is just a few minutes walk from Kim's house so I offer to walk the twins and her home.
   I really can't believe that Kim apologised to me and now we are having a nice conversation. Talking to her, I find out that she is actually cool and funny. As we get to her house, I say my goodbyes.
     Kit: You're not coming in?

I see Kim glare at her brother fiercely like he'd just spilled out a forbidden sentence.

     Kim: Uhh
     Kat: Come on, even if it's a glass of water.
     Me: I don't think that's necessary. I don't want to trouble you guys.

Kim continue to glare at her siblings incredulously. Then, she wiped the look off her face like it wasn't even there before.
     Kim: Its no trouble at all. Please come in.

It's my turn to look stupefied. Is Kim being polite right now? I know better than to accept the invitation but what's the worst that could happen?
     Me: Well then, I guess its okay.

  Kim's POV
We enter the house. Kit'n'Kat go to their room to change their clothes. Niche looks around the room taking in every detail.
    Me: Have your seat.
    Niche: Thanks. Your house is really cool, posh even.
     Me: Thanks. My mom has a very high taste.

He sits down on the sofa. His eyes are restless as they continue to wander around the room as if he is looking for something. I am also beginning to feel uncomfortable, very uncomfortable being in the same room with a Viper who for all I know might be a spy.
     Me: Would you like some cookies?
     Niche: No...

Kit'n'kat come into the sitting room.
     Kit: Kim...I think the washing machine is broken.

"Nice one Kit".
      Me: I thought I told you guys not to play with it. Do you ever listen?
     Kat: We were just trying to...
     Kim: I'll just go check it out.

I leave the room. I already know what Kit'n'kat are doing. They are the best sniffers I know. They can find the tiniest trace of the smallest matter and find out its source. I wonder how they are going to search Niche or what they are going to find on him.
After 10 minutes, I go back into the room. They are all talking about the newly released live action of Aladdin.
      Kat: The monkey's so cute...
      Me: Kit, the machine's not broken. You didn't turn on the switch.
     Kat: Told'ya
     Kit: So that was it!
     Niche: I guess I should be going now.
     Me: Thanks for coming in.
     Niche: Nah...thanks for inviting me in.
     Me: See you at school tomorrow? 
     Niche: Of course...oh and good game yesterday. I didn't know you played that well.
     Me: Thanks.

I see him off.

Back inside.
     Me: Washing machine? Seriously.
     Kit: Don't judge me. That was the best I could come up with.
     Kat: He wouldn't let me say it. I could have came up with something other than a broken machine.
     Me: That's over now. Did you find anything on him.
     Kat: He is a Viper alright. Looks like it, smells like it, acts like it.
     Me: Wait, smells like it?

The two roll their eyes.

     Kit: We found nothing on him.
     Me: No radiation scanner or weapons?
     Kat: Nothing.
     Me: What kind of spy goes out without a radiation scanner?
     Kit: What if he isn't a spy?
     Kim: I'm not convinced. Anyways, good work guys. You've done really well.
     Kit: All thanks to you, the best sister and trainer in the world.
     Me: Aww...thanks guys.

I give them a hug and peck each.

Niche's POV
  Today couldn't be any better. Kim talked to me and even invited me to her house. Her siblings were so nice. But there was no sign of parents or adults which is strange. I looked around the house to find any clue of a Tekni aura or anything at all that could be suspicious but found none even though I kept sensing high energy concentration. But that could be anything- a refrigerator or high voltage electrical appliance. I have to find out more about Kim though. I'm starting to get a very negative feeling about her.

A little while later.
My spy monitor beeps. It's my dad. I press the answer button
     Dad: Son.
     Me: Dad.
     Dad: You are doing well?
     Me: Very well sir.
     Dad: Good. Do you have any update.

"Should I tell him about Kim?"
      Me: Not exactly
      Dad: You hesitated.
      Me: Well, I have this suspicion about a girl but I have no cogent reasons or confirmed evidence to back me up.
      Dad: You are not taking your assignment seriously.
      Me: Dad, its not as easy as you think.
      Dad: I will give you more time but know that we are running out of time.
      Me: Yes father.

The connection broke off. The cycle never gets old. He calls, I pick, he asks for update, I tell him what I have  and he snaps that I'm not doing enough. I can't remember the last time he commended me. Well, am used to it and I better get to work.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote. Love y'all. <3



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