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Lilly sheds tears fathomably, looking at Alan, her mouth quickens. I do not know how to handle my emotional pain; I do not know the path where I need to travel ahead, I do not know the shoulder to lean on. She weeps bitterly and gazes at the sunset and starts humming. Alan stares at Lilly for her innocence. Lilly sings her song with anguished lyrics.

Feelings seduce my inner beauty to lie down on the painful bed!

Feelings build a wall in my heart to fly away my joy which is embedded!

Standing alone in the ambush of bitterness brings sorrow in my life!

Waiting longer in the brutality of wilderness rings the bells in my life!

Turn around and touch my eyes filled with tears of hidden love of trueness!

Alan mellifluously listens to his true love woman and weeps along with 

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