i Promise (One direction fan fiction) [ON HOLD]

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"I'm going back home" ..Joceline said, as she set on the other side of the couch. "what do you mean? this is your home.. what are you talking about" .."i cant do this anymore hazz, I'm constantly alone ..your never around , there hasn't been a day that i haven't cried myself to sleep and i feel like am raising our son alone.. its too much" ... i could feel guilt & anger raising upon myself  .."don't you think i know that? .. don't you think i know you feel lonely, your not the only one, your the only thing i think about when I'm out on the road,  but i promise I'm trying my hardest to convinced management for a new schedule, and i don't think going away is gonna solve any problems, plus am not letting you take my son away from me."  ..i could see tear threatening to come out on her eyes, the eyes that i had fallen in love with 7 years ago, the same eyes that i would wake up to every morning, the same eyes that would look at me with so much love & so much kindness, the same eyes i feel in love with.  i sat up and went to sat next to her, putting my arms around her .. running my fingers up and down her back to try to assure her that everything would be oK but only more tears came down cosing me to feel even more guilty for leaving my family. i started to think of solutions but i could feel tears threatening to come down from my own eyes. 

........... its been this way for the past 2 years, when its not touring , its an interview and when its not an interview its a photo shoot, and it has always ended up with Joceline alone raising our son. it not like i choose it  to be this away, but ever since the band mates and i have become even more popular it has resulted for us being even more bissier and distant , and Joceline being the amazing person that she is, she wont let me quit or take a break from the band, she had always believed in me and she just wont take no for an answer. 

"were gonna get through this ok? together, i promise things are gonna change, just please don't leave ok? i promise things are going to change." .. "promise?" .. "promise" .. we decide to go upstairs and get to bed, because tomorrow yet again, was going to be a long sad day of goodbyes. 

okiiee, my first attempt of writting, .. i know verry short but im gonna try to make them longer as i go allong, hope you guys liked it :3 ... comment?? ...ideas?? ..advice??  

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