saying goodbye

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I woke from the sound of crying coming from my son room, Slowly yet tiredly i started to get up but quickly realized there a Strong arms that were tightly wrapped around my torso's. Smiling at my husband , i slowly lifted his arms and guilty mad my way out the door and in to the room down the hall. 

it was going to be one of those hard days of saying goodbye, one of those days that i try to think about too much of, one of those days were the love of my life and the father of my son was going to be gone for a wile.  i absolutely hated these days, i know it wasn't Harry's decision to be going to tours and interviews and stuff but- sometimes i wish he would just say know and stop everything for me and edward (their son), but i wasn't going to tell him that because i knew doing what he does made him happy and it was what he always wanted to be ever since he could remember, and all of us were very proud of him. 

the day ahead was going to be hard, but i decide to make the best of it.

once i got caden ready for the day, it was my turn to get ready, so i left Edward with harry playing with each other wile i got ready in the bathroom. i got my shower, washed my hair brushed my teeth and made my way to my closet to pick up something to wear, i decide to put on my dark blue skinny jeans and my old favorite 1D shirt harry had gotten me back when we were teenagers for my birthday, i loved this shirt , it was thin purple wavy shirt, with cut out designs on the back and said 1D on the bottom left of it and it had a  pictures and date of when harry and i  first met, first kissed and our first date, it feat perfectly around my waste, it was my absolutely favorite shirt. the best part , is that it still feat, after all these years and after having a baby, my favorite still looked good on me. 

after loosing at my self in the mirror, and approving at outfit, i walked out the door only to find harry and edward giggling and smiling playing the tickles monster. "morning love" harry said bringing my out of my gaze, i realized that i was probably standing there for about 5 minutes with a huge grinning on face, i couldn't help myself,. 

"morning babe, how'd you sleep?" .. "fine, till i realized you weren't in bed with me" .. "hah, edward was crying, what do you want for breakfast?" .."anything is fine with me love" he said flashing one of his 'Harry styles charm smiles' .. "bacon and pancake sounds good?" .."sound perfect love" "alright well, will let you get ready"  i said wile standing up and picking edward from harry .."Wait!" "what?" .. "are you forgetting something love? .. harry said with a cheeky smile .."i don't think s, why" .. knowing exactly what he was talking about but decided to play hard to get,.  "i dint get my morning kiss" .. "well if you want your morning kiss, your gonna have to get up get ready and meet us don stars" .. "but babbee, please just one simple kiss" .. "nope!" i said trying to hold back a smile, and walking out the door. i loved teasing harry, it was something wed do to each other, i don't know why but it was just something we've been doing since i could remember and it's been that way then, it was cute. 

that morning we finished breakfast and harry got his  morning kiss, both of us knowing it was going to be our last morning kiss for at least 3 months it some how got deeper and deeper and longer by the minute, soon enough it started to get headed, i pulled away realizing we were having a hot mack out session in the middle of our kitchen , not to mention in front of our 9 month old. 


 She pulled away, both of us smiling .

i swear! it gets harder and harder every time, we have to be apart because of the touring, but there is really nothing we can do about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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