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Mila and Ash : wow daddy this is amazing :)

"Knew you like it "

*mila and ash run off dragging there dads with them *

Ash : oh dad can I have this plzzz

Mr green : here you go baby anything else

Ash : oh and this and this and this

Mr green : ok baby here have it all

Ash : yayy thank you dad

Mila : daddy can I have all this plzzz plzzz plzz

"sure baby you can "

"Yay thanks daddy :)

*mila and ashley run up to see Minnie and Micky mouse *

"Daddy can you take my picture with Minnie Mouse "

"Sure princess *takes picture of camila kissing Minnie Mouse :)

*takes picture of ash with Minnie Mouse :)

"Yay thank you daddy"

"Thanks dad"

2 hours later

David : let's go get some food then shall we

Mr green : yep bet the girls Are hungry

Ash : dad can we get something to eat plz

Mila : daddy can we get some food I'm hungry

Ash : yea can we ?

David : you want pizza or burger ?

"PIZZA " * ash shouts *

Salad mila says

David : ok it is then

*camila and ash walk in dominos with Minnie Mouse ears and looking like s****

David : girls what you want to eat

"PIZZA " *they both shout *

David : "ok girls :)

Mr green : ok 3 pizzas please and one salad

*grabs pizzas and take them to camila , Ashley and David *

*camila and ash finsh there pizza *

*walks out of the restaurant with camila and Ashley's parents *

"Daddy I had fun today " camila says

"Good princess glad you did "

*mila and ash get in the car and they put mila's earphone in one in each ear*

David : the girls have there earphones in "

"Well there prom is soon and on prom there is a special day it's there 6 years being best friends "

David : omg yea mila was saying somthing to me about it , mila has a present as well for her "

Mr green : oh yea ash has mila's present "

*at home finally

(Mila texting ash)

Mila : ash omg it's our 6 year of being best friends tomorrow xx

Ash : omg yea it is can't believe we have been best friends for 6 years xx

Mila : awe I know I love you , it's the same night and day as prom as well xx

Ash : omg it is anyways I'm going sleep love you barbie xx

Mila : na night boo love you 2 brownie xx

Ash : yep night xx

*camila climbs in bed and puts phone on charge*

Daddy little pampered princessWhere stories live. Discover now