omm cares for annika

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Omm i know rudy is not mature enough to understand such things and what he is doing is due to his childish behaviour but u r mature enough to understand the situation. I know what shivaay has done is worth ur hatred but  what I have done to u . When shivaay had rejected me u and Rudy only brought me to this house. U were the one who made me smile and now why are u not happy in my happiness? This child is not only mine and shivaay's responsibility u r also responsible. I am not saying u to treat the child as ur brother's child but as ur own child. I have always thought u both as my little brothers and I can't see u both unhappy for a single moment.. .............

Annika was just about to complete her sentence when omm went near her and gave her a bone crushing hug as if they were reunited after a thousand years . He was saying and had tears at the same time.
O- bhabi plz forgive me for what I have done to u . I was so much lost in hating shivaay that I had forgot to understand that u r the innocent one. U r bearing the pain of not only shivaay but also ours and I am such an idiot that I was busy in giving u pain after pain . And now finally when u r happy after such a long time but I am unable to express my excitement. Bhabi I will do everything I could do for the empire's heir but don't expect me to forgive shivaay . The way he had made me fatherless I won't let his child bear the same.

A- omm what ur doing is enough for me but u shouldn't judge before knowing the truth. U know shivaay better than me but still u r not aware that why he had done this.
O- bhabi will u tell me the reality? And u want to say that what I saw was only illusion . Shivaay has himself accepted that he had killed my father and it doesn't need any proof!
A-omm when time will come I will myself tell u the truth . For now it is better to keep u away from the reality.
O-Bhabi enough talks now I think u should take test it will be good for the baby's health.
Annika was just about to leave when her eyes fell on Rudy's face with no emotions.
She politely went near him and asked,
A-rudr look into my eyes. Are u angry with me? Plz tell me what u want ?
Rudra said that he wanted nothing and then he
pushed Annika aside and she was about to fall when omm gave her support.

Sorry guys this is a short update. Plz don't forget to vote it's just a click and plz make it 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😢😭😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And don't forget to read '"blessed to be yours"

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