Secretive about mystery guy

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Jovani was not paying attention to the person who was talking at all he was just tryin to figure who the mystery guy was. How could he know things so private to him or get those pictures at all. It seem the mystery guy knew his every move like a stalker and knows what he would do. " Hey Jovani are you listening to me." asked Jasmine while poking him in the ribs. That made Jovani get out of his own thoughts and back into reality and he was feeling a little bit bad because he wanted to tell someone about the mystery guy but he was afraid if he told someone that would cause problems with Gabe and he did not want problems with him. He wanted to tell Jasmine but he did not know if he should tell her. He made his mind that getting some else opinion on his little dilemma that might make things clear up a bit.
As Jovani and Jasmine were talking another one was watching both of them and started to take pictures he wanted to see Jovani's face when he got the pictures and look around to see who it was. He loved Jovani so bad but he could not tell him not now since he has a boyfriend and that would not be good. Jovani would have to choose between him and his boyfriend Gabe even though he already knew the outcome. He got up and walked past them and said nothing. He went out to the corridor just so he could get in his stalker account and send Jovani the pictures he took even though he loves him so much it hurts him not to be with him. The pictures make him feel like he's there with him. His emotions all came back even though he felt bad about everything. Jovani could never ever imagine being a big pain to anyone at all. He wanted everyone to be safe and happy all of the time. I mean there are some bitches about people but they are only minor. Jasmine could notice that Jovani was not paying attention so she did what any friend would do. She went behind him and scared him real good. Jovani went up and shriek like a little girl that made people turn their heads and pay attention to him. Jovani felt so embarrassed being watched by everyone he could not handle all the attention so he just buried himself in a book. " Hey Jovani so what were you thinking about you were super concentrated on that one single thought like damm." said Jasmine looking at him so suspicious. Jovani loved to spill the beans about everything but this he had to keep it a secret because if it got out everyone would be freaking out. So again Jovani just invited some random excuse even though Jasmine did not buy the excuse at all. Jovani could notice that she was not buying the excuse at all then both of them noticed that Jesus came back and actually smiled at both of them. " That was so weird of Jesus to do that even to you Jovani doesn't he like hate you." said Jasmine. " You're not wrong Jasmine that is so weird if Jesus to do that but whatever his intentions are I don't care at all or want to know about them at all I just want to lay in my bed and sleep forever." said Jovani which Jasmine totally agreed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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