Chapter 8

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The dark teal ballgown fitted Nya perfectly, thanks to the Lady Misako's incredible ability to sew, even in her current form, and also the fact that Nya was beginning to eat again and stand at a healthy weight. She swirled around, admiring that Misako had listened to her request of keeping the dress simple, without any unnecessary detail. Still, the dress was absolutely gorgeous, with every dark ruffle and silver trimming, and Nya couldn't be more grateful.

"Thank you, Lady Misako." She gushed, smoothing out the fabric. "I just... I'm sorry, I don't quite understand how you..."

The wardrobe chuckled lightly, opening a drawer. "In here. A little sewing machine." Nya peeked inside and gasped, watching the tiny needles work together on a piece of fabric. "The master invented it for me, right before the pain of his claws got to him." She closed the drawer and sighed. "I will forever be grateful for this gift. He made it for me, knowing I was up here alone and awfully bored."

Nya smiled, her heart warming at the thought of his hard work and dedication. Somehow she knew that even if his claws were bothering him at the time, he still would have made the machine for Misako.

"It's a good thing he made it, too." Misako sighed. "I'm not sure if his favorite suit would have fit him properly without the help of my machine."

Nya didn't know why, but she blushed at the thought of him in a fine-tailored suit. "Oh." She laughed gently, trying to compose herself. "I'm sure he would have looked awfully funny. He told me he's gotten rather tall since, well..."

Misako laughed. "Oh, if only you could have seen him while I was doing the initial fitting. The poor thing had the hem of his pants up to his knees." She waved a handle quickly. "Goodness, you're going to be late! We must do your hair and makeup, quickly. Oh, and how do you feel about these?"

A pair of silver shoes with an inch heel. Nya took them in her hands nervously, staring at the dark blue roses at the tops. "I... I've never worn heels." She admitted, her face red. "Only my work boots..." Nya shook off her slippers and gently slipped her feet into the heels. "I-I'm not sure if I can walk in them..."

Misako had the hint of a smile to her voice as she hummed. "That's alright. The dress works with your slippers as well, if you feel more comfortable that way."

Nya smiled and sat down at the vanity, staring at herself in the mirror. I feel so plain. She sighed, for once mindful of her outward appearance. I really don't fit in here. Anywhere.

Pixal floated in, carrying a massive supply of makeup. "There we are. Let's get to work."

"Um, Pixal..?" Nya started. "Could you go for something more... natural? I've never worn makeup and I'm not sure what will look good on me..."

Pixal fluffed her feathers. "I'm happy to accommodate with any of your requests." She grabbed the brush and looked in the mirror with Nya. "Perhaps a half-updo for your hair?"

Nya nodded. "It sounds perfect. Thank you, both of you."

Misako hummed again. "We're happy to help, child. This is going to be the greatest night of your life."
"You have much to fear." The beggar spoke once again, standing up and hobbling towards the four men. He pointed a hooked, bony finger at Kai. "Your sister is in grave danger. The beast will attack tonight, to quell his insatiable hunger."

Kai swallowed, backing away. "How can I trust you? You're probably a product of his magic!" The others murmured in agreement, following him.

"On the contrary. The beast is a product of my own magic, and the curse was brought upon himself, out of his own foolishness."

Kai stopped. "You're a sorcerer?" He asked, his voice strained.

The beggar nodded. "In a sense. Have a seat, gentlemen." With a flick of his wrist, the four were sent to the ground, unable to get back up. "Let me tell you the story of the beast in the castle."

It was a particularly cold night, not too long ago. There was a prince that lived in that very castle, and I, a poor man in need of shelter, came to his door and begged for a place to stay.
The prince was dressed in his finest robes and shone like the sun, each sapphire on his white robes matching the blue of his eyes. Those fierce, loveless eyes that looked upon me with disgust and cast me out.
And so, I gave him three chances, but with each one, he dismissed me, again and again. So, I did what any sorcerer would do, and I transformed him into what he truly was; a cold-blooded snake, with no room for love in his heart.

"And so, it seems your precious sister is now in his clutches, and the beast will devour her flesh tonight, as he will become nothing more than a monster."

Ronin scrunched his brows together. "Look, that was a great story and all, but it didn't really help. Besides, it kind of sounded like you made it up, or at least exaggerated some of the details." He glanced around at the others, trying to get their support. "I mean, come on! Who would let some random person inside their castle? And why did he answer his own door? Didn't he have servants? Or parents? How old was he anyway?"

"And..." Cole started, biting his lip in thought. "You said he was a prince. As far as we all know, there hasn't been a ruler here since... since..." He closed his eyes tightly, trying to fight the same sound of static that appeared every time he tried to recall the past.

"Enough!" The sorcerer growled, standing tall. "All of you! The story is true, every word, and you'd better get to the castle before your sister dies a terrible death!" And with a whistle and a puff of orange smoke, the beggar disappeared, leaving the four men alone and terrified out of their wits.
Jay stared at the scales on his hand as he turned the handle to his bedroom door, moving his claws slowly. "Are you sure she's... okay with this?" He nervously asked Wu for the fifth time. "I'd hate to force her..."

"All will be well, Jay." Wu assured him. "Nya will be more than happy to share a meal and a dance with you. Our freedom is closer than you think it is."

"Right." Jay swallowed nervously and opened the door, jumping back slightly at the sight in front of him.

Nya stood a few feet away from his door, looking absolutely gorgeous with her trademark blush dusted on her dimpled cheeks. She smiled to the floor, bowing before him. "My lord." She whispered sweetly. "I am in your hands."

Jay felt as if he was going to faint from the heartwarming words. He wanted to scream out right then and there, I love you!, but he knew it would spoil the mood. He held out an arm, escorting her down the stairs.

Jay was the first one to speak as they entered the dining hall. "I must warn you." He began, trying to hide the quiver in his voice. "I've never, erm... I've never danced with anyone. Formally, anyways."

Nya giggled. "I know a bit. My father used to dance with me when I was little. Of course, that may not be helpful."

He grinned and pulled out her chair carefully. "Then we may learn together. For now, let's eat."

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