The Man In White

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Flavio enters the world meeting like he always does: in style. He dons a pure white jacket over a purple turtleneck, pink shades over his red eyes. The fabulous Flavio.

He gets asked about the plaster on his cheek, and he lies about it. Luciano hadn't meant it and it wouldn't happen again. There was no need to ruin his already a bit bad reputation. He says he tripped in stairs and hit his face to a photograph on the wall.

He looks around and sees Ignatius, in pastel pink collared shirt and purple vest with light blue bowtie around his neck, taking a seat and offering his special cupcakes to the nations. They sometimes taste a little funny (Don't get Flavio wrong, there's nothing wrong with them), so some decline. His surrogate son Jason, however, takes couple of them and stuffs them in his mouth at once, crumbs falling all over the grey tank top and black bomber jacket.

 His surrogate son Jason, however, takes couple of them and stuffs them in his mouth at once, crumbs falling all over the grey tank top and black bomber jacket

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Ignatius' ex, Bonnefoy, in his tasteless greys and blues, is smoking indoors again despite Luciano always making it very clear he does NOT approve of the guy making his secret room stink

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Ignatius' ex, Bonnefoy, in his tasteless greys and blues, is smoking indoors again despite Luciano always making it very clear he does NOT approve of the guy making his secret room stink. Next to him sits his son and Jason's brother, James, with his red flannel shirt and angry furball of a bear cub.

 Next to him sits his son and Jason's brother, James, with his red flannel shirt and angry furball of a bear cub

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Now enter Wang Zhao who looks like a drug dealer with his deliquent clothes and his maybe-boyfriend, dark yet flirty russian Radimir whose red scarf reaches his knees

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Now enter Wang Zhao who looks like a drug dealer with his deliquent clothes and his maybe-boyfriend, dark yet flirty russian Radimir whose red scarf reaches his knees.

Now enter Wang Zhao who looks like a drug dealer with his deliquent clothes and his maybe-boyfriend, dark yet flirty russian Radimir whose red scarf reaches his knees

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Luciano's second-closest and most competent ally Kuro, dressed like imperial army officer and carrying a katana, makes his entrance, purple eyes looking at something too far away for anyone else to see

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Luciano's second-closest and most competent ally Kuro, dressed like imperial army officer and carrying a katana, makes his entrance, purple eyes looking at something too far away for anyone else to see.

Luciano's second-closest and most competent ally Kuro, dressed like imperial army officer and carrying a katana, makes his entrance, purple eyes looking at something too far away for anyone else to see

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Despite the absence of Luciano and the german brothers, the meeting is about to begin. In the end it doesn't, because Lutz Eisenstark, West Germany, sloppily dressed as always, bursts into the room with his shy brother Gilen, former Prussia and current East Germany, Lutz waving Luciano's bloody bustina.

 In the end it doesn't, because Lutz Eisenstark, West Germany, sloppily dressed as always, bursts into the room with his shy brother Gilen, former Prussia and current East Germany, Lutz waving Luciano's bloody bustina

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The entire room falls silent

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The entire room falls silent. Except for James, who is doing it in the bathroom.
Luciano would never give up his hat. Not willingly. Not over his dead body.
Flavio practically jumps on Lutz, inadvertedly scaring the guy's brother, demanding to know what the tasteless blonde potato bastard had done to Luciano.

About hour after Flavio had left for the conference, Giovanni, having a day off, had went off for a morning stroll and seen Luciano's hat in the water. He had immediately feared the worst and dived into the canal, but found no trace of their brother. He gave the hat to Lutz and told him to run to the meeting to fetch Flavio.

"Until we find Luci, you're the boss."

Yes, The Man In White, The Fabulous Flavio was the don now. He obviously hadn't wanted it like this, especially not after yesterday's fight.
"Yes, 'until'. If my fratello's alive, i'll find him."
"Aren't you a bit.... I mean, he's like a cat, he comes and goes all the time..."
"He'll return like he always does" the Russia says, standing up "I now have other duties to attend to."

Yes, he has, he's a big nation after all, with many other living in his house, being his responsibility.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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