0. I... died?

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NOTE: comments are welcome.

"You're beautiful."



A 21-year-old; but petite girl, with chestnut brown hair and electric blue eyes had her long arms draped across a guy's shoulders, straddling his lap.


More lies.

His eyes had a slight gleam to them but were hooded and dull. His lips were curled into a disapproving frown.

He was usually a better lier but the intoxicating substances he was feeding himself all night were interfering with his natural ability.

"Then why do you look like that?" The older girl pouted.

Although his expressions betrayed him, his tongue did not.

"I can't see you well cause of all the fucking beer I chugged." He sighed.

"I'm so annoyed I have to go off my mind's image when the real thing is right in front of me."

He growled for good measure

She started giggling and laughing as if she was high of her rockers.

Now Landon was frowning for real.

"As beautiful a person you are," he started when Bella's hips began to grind against his, "I'm going to have to go and help Mike with something."

Landon didn't know anyone called Mike.

Bella pouted again, to Landon's annoyance, and was promptly shoved off his lap in a manner severely lacking grave or elegance.
Sighing, Landon walked outside to a little garden.

He was a bit drunk so he took his time sobering up before walking home.

The party he was at was hosted by one of his friends; one he knew the name of and probably had a few lessons with, but not a close friend. He wasn't particularly interested at first, but there was a rumour of a professional stripper and Landon had wanted to see that.

Unfortunately, they apparently meant 'whore' as it was simply Bella. The aforementioned was one of the many flings that he wanted to forget about and pretend didn't happen.

A fling that wasn't satisfied with him alone, apparently, which lead to her becoming a slut.

Who knew she was a professional stripper now?

He didn't care much, so leaving seemed to be the best course of action for him to take.

His house was, thankfully, a fair distance away so he had plenty of time to sober up.

After stumbling through the familiar streets and roads, tripping over the potholes and passing through his front door, he got into his house and onto his bed.

Letting out a sigh, he closed his eyes and let his mind fall into subconsciousness.


"[Yeah, so, you're kinda dead now.]" are understandably not the first things you would want to hear after waking up from a nap.

And understandably, Landon was kinda mad being woken up to that.

So, him saying, "kindly fuck off" should, likewise, be understandable.

So when he gets a notification-like-thing popping up in his vision, telling him he's lost 10 points, he doesn't understand.

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