Bend Me, Break Me... But Put Me Back Together Again

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Keith will get in a very wrong situation with Sendak and again regret his decision to leave Kolivan.

Chapter 3

Keith had barely regained full feeling in his limbs. After his... encounter with that jellyfish he'd spent far too long on the ground, waiting impatiently for whatever toxin Lotor had filled him with to pass through his system. Ever so often he could feel the polyps inside him move, reminding him even more of how stupid he'd been. Leaving himself so open to a breeding, looking back now... fuck. He was an idiot. His mom had told him, multiple times, about cuttlefish types hiding tentacles to look like unthreatening females until they were close enough to grapple a hold and do as they wished. Lotor had more or less done the same

"Look at yourself now..." Keith mumbled to himself, the tingling in his limbs finally low enough to sit up. Spend one breeding season with someone and now you're lonely enough you'll let the first friendly merperson you meet go and fuck you senseless. He was nowhere near as full as he'd been with Kolivan's clutch, but this one... it had gone sour the minute Lotor had decided to take advantage of him. As soon as he made his way home he'd figure out some method of getting them out of him. It definitely didn't seem as if Lotor was going to come back and check if he was still looking after them. He definitely didn't seem to have any parental attachment to them. He just had to wait it out a little longer and-

"Well well well, it looks like it's my lucky day."

Keith whips his head around, the speed and toxin still in his system enough to make his stomach lurch where he sits. It straight up plummets at the sight in front of him.

A lionfish.

The merman is huge, hulking. His frame alone is enough to make Keith shrink into himself, but that's not even half of his silhouette. Great billowing fins bloom from his arms and back, tail flukes spread wide as they twitch in amusement. Spines sprout from his shoulders and hips, even more smaller ones from his cheeks and ears. Everything about him screams predator, like a great dark shadow ready to swoop down and devour him.

"You... you've got that wrong." Keith fights to keep the warble from his voice. Maybe if he plays this right, acts unafraid, he can get this brute to leave him alone. "I've got a mate already."

The other merman's eyebrows raise at that. Without their cover, Keith notes one is a sickening bloodshot red, as if someone had tried to scrape it clean from his skull. When he speaks its a gruff, taunting growl.

"I don't see anyone here protecting your honour, whelp."

"They don't need to." Keith curls up further as the other swims even closer.

"I find that hard to believe, a pretty little thing like you out here... defenceless..."

Out of nowhere a jet of water is shot straight at Keith, barrelling into his shoulder and knocking him off balance. He flails, trying to regain his position, but lands flat on his back, belly up.

It's impossible to miss the perverse grin that forms on the others face.

"Very pretty. Makes me think that this mate of yours is even more naive than you, leaving something so valuable out where someone else can take it." He palms his groin, and Keith's stomach leaves his body entirely. He's got some definite feeling in his extremities now, but he knows he's still too weak to make the mad dash he needs.

The Fucky Mer AU ( Keith x Kolivan )Where stories live. Discover now