Kitazawa Hagumi x Emotionless! Female Reader

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Hi !
So this one was requested by @LoveForHagumi ! Thanks for your request once again !
Sorry again if it was bad. It's kinda hard to get the emotionless personality so sorry if the reader is OOC and sorry if Hagumi-chan is a little bit OOC too. Also, it took a lot of time to be out because first : it took me a while to find a plot and second : you know, school, holiday and cetera... ( -3-)
Anyway ! Let's go !


- Morning - On the way to Hanasakigawa Girls' High School -

~Hagumi's POV~

"Hi (Y/N)-senpai !!"
I met her during my way to school.
She's a third year and I am usually with her since she's actually in the same club as mine.

"Hello Hagumi" She answered back.
Some people are frightened from her since they can't feel any emotion from her. They are kinda scared to make a bad move and at final, (Y/N)-senpai were alone.

Our first meeting was when we have to train as a pair of two in our club. Normally, I would train with someone I am always with but this day, we were put with someone randomly and that's how I met her.

At first, I was kinda nervous since she seems like she doesn't care of me but we managed to work together. The problem is that there's only I who had fun. (Y/N)-senpai didn't smile or anything else. I want to see her smile as soon as I can. That's why I started to hang out with her.

Sometimes, I ask her to help our band to train and she usually accept it. It was suggested by Kokoron because she thinks that if (Y/N)-senpai see our efforts and our lives, she will smile.

But in the end, she still didn't smile but we still continue to invite her because it's nice to get someone to help us and to talk with.
After this moment, I can't help but feel something strange when I'm around her.
When I asked the girls, they told me that I'm starting to fall in love with her. After that, when I'm with (Y/N)-senpai

"Hey, are you alright ?" I heard (Y/N)-senpai calling me out of my mind.
"I-I'm alright !" I answered while trying to smile.
"Alright then..." She said.

We continue to walk and we meet Kokoron and the others. I run toward them.
"Hey Kokoron ! Mii-chi ! Kanon-chan-senpai !" I called them out while waving to them.
"Ah ! Yahoo Hagumi ! (Y/N) !" Kokoron said while waving back.

- During the first break -

"We should bring animals in our lives !"
Kokoron, Mii-chi and I are in our classroom and Kokoron is bringing new ideas for our next live. Everyone in our class is talking until we heard nothing behind us.

We look behind us and it's (Y/N)-senpai and Kanon-chan-senpai. At the beginning, (Y/N)-senpai didn't come to us but now, she comes along with Kanon-chan-senpai. It makes us happy to see her getting along with us even though we can't see her smile yet.

"Hey (Y/N) ! Do you think bringing animals in our lives will be great ?" Kokoron asked her and (Y/N)-senpai nodded and looked at me. Our eyes met each other and I can feel myself blushing.

"Hagumi, can you come with me ?" She asked me and I nodded.

We went outside and she looked at me.
"What do you think of me ?" She asked me.
I blushed when she asked me that. I didn't expect her to tell me that. She could ask us at the same time so why did she ask only me ?Should I try to confess to her now or should I wait ?

"Y-You're nice and helpful ! I am happy to have you as a friend !" I answered her.
My heart got hurt when I said friend.
"...Anything else ?" She asked again.
"H-Hum..." I stuttered. I wanted to tell her the three words but it didn't come out. I wanted to confess her but I'm very scared of her answer.

"...This is what I thought..." I heard her talking. What does she mean ?
"W-What do you mean (Y/N)-senpai ?" I asked her. She looked at me with her inexpressive face as usual.
"Hagumi, are you scared of me ?" My heart suddenly throb when she asked me that.
"N-No...Why did you ask me that ?" I said while trying to hold back my tears. I don't want to be separated from her.
"The looks everyone, except you girls, gave me. They look scared when I am here. I guess it's because of how inexpressive I am" She justified.
She finally noticed it. Somewhat, I can feel her loneliness. Maybe I can raise her mood.

"H-Hey (Y/N)-senpai, why don't we go somewhere after school ?" I asked her.
I hope she won't refuse it. I want to help her as a friend and as a crush. She didn't say for a few seconds and :
"Okay, I will come with you"

- End of school day -
I am waiting for (Y/N)-senpai in front of the school.
I asked our club leader if we can take a day off and she agreed it. Now, all I need to do is to wait (Y/N)-senpai. I'm kinda nervous right now.
"Sorry for the late" I heard her behind me.
I turned around and I shook my head.
"N-No ! It's fine !" I said while waving my hands and smiling to her.

We went to some places and we did some activities together like playing games and eating something. What I notice after some minutes is that it's like a after school date. Now, I'm very nervous.

-Little timeskip-
We are walking on our way to my house. It was very nice and funny and I noticed that during our 'date', (Y/N)-senpai did something I didn't expect it coming soon.
"Hey (Y/N)-senpai, did you smile when we were 'Insert random activities' ?" I asked her.
"Really ? I didn't notice it" She answered.
When I saw her smile, my heart beats faster than usual. Her smile is very pretty. Maybe I can ask her.

"Hey ! Why don't you try to smile right now ?" I asked her while getting in front of her. "Like that !" I put on my smile.
"L-Like this ?" She tried to 'smile'. Maybe it was hard for her but I can't help but laughing at the face she made.
"Y-You're so funny (Y/N)-senpai !!" I said while laughing and I suddenly heard something from her.

I look at her and she's trying to hide her laugh. Don't tell me she's actually laughing ?!
I stared at her for a while and she noticed my stares.
"D-Did I do something wrong ?" She asked me nervously.
"N-No ! I-In fact you were laughing ! It's a good news for you !" I told her and she's getting embarrassed.
"I-It's because you are cute when you laughed..." She said.
I'm blushing because she told me I am cute. I didn't expect her to compliment me. Geez, what should I do ?! Maybe I should do it.

"(Y-Y/N)-senpai !" I called her out.
She looked at me and now, I can feel my heartbeat. I gulped and I said while bowing down in front of her :
"I-I love you !"
There's no sound when I said that. Maybe she rejected my confession. I hope it wasn't.
I look at her and her tears are falling on her face. Don't tell me I did something wrong.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)-senpai—"
She suddenly hugged me, making my heartbeat racing faster.
"I-I love you too Hagumi..."


And that's all for this one !
Sorry again if there wasn't any updates recently.
Firstly, I really need the holiday since I only got one week and not two. ( -3-)
Secondly, it was kinda hard to write but I just need to feel the personality so I can write and well...emotionless is kinda hard to get. ('^^)
But don't worry ! I can do it again ! I just need some times to make it.
Anyway ! See you soon !

(1383 words)

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