Yuria Harudera x Male Reader x Asako Kusakabe (Grisaia)

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Yahallo !

First, sorry for the biiiiiig late, in case you didn't read my post, I was tired (and exhausted) because of school and other things
But now, I'm quite fine. I only need to sleep more longer and try to focus on writing rather than playing. I hope you don't mind it.

Anyway, this one-shot was requested by @AussieUchihaHuntsman Thanks for your request !

I remember most of the story about the anime but I don't quite remember about the personalities of these two pretty women. Still some troubles at the end.

By the way : Spoiler alert ! For people who's interested about the anime/game.

Anyway, let me break the history.


- On the way to a certain villain's military base -
- 3rd POV -

You're an agent who has joined recently the CIRS or Central Intelligence and Research Second, a Japanese-American unified anti-terrorism organization. You joined this organization because you wanted to be an operator but because of your lack of experience and maturity, you were forced to work as an agent.

You're in a vehicle of the CIRS in the back and you're going to a military base with your teammates. You heard the enemies in this place are creating super soldiers and they will use them to rule over the world.

You are both nervous and stressed because it's your first mission and you thought you didn't get enough training but your teammates reassured you and told you they went through this too. You're happy to know they care each other.

"We're almost here. Prepare your weapon." The driver said through the intercom and you all nodded to each other. You heard the vehicle crashing into wire fence and the back door opened.

You all left the vehicle and you shot to the enemies who got surprised. Because of the sudden attack, the enemies on the military base are dead. Your group searched through the place and they found a secret entrance leading to a basement so you decided to examine it.

- In the basement -

You and your team are moving forward while being on your guard. The corridor you took is made of steel from the floor to the rooftop which made you think this was built recently.

You noticed the alarm wasn't on since you entered into the military base. Maybe they forgot to turn it on or they are planning something. Nothing happened until you heard a click from behind. You all looked behind and you see a wall raising up and covering all the height of the corridor. You immediately understood this is a trap so you ran toward the other side but you see an another wall is raising up. You stopped while thinking it's over but someone pushed you roughly and made you jump over the wall before it completely closed the way.

"Guys ! Why did you push me ?" You asked them through the intercom.
"It's for your sake !" You heard one of your teammate talking. "You only started recently and if you die here, all you did until now will be pointless !"
"But you're more skilled than I ! It should be one of you instead of me !" You protested while trying to not get sad.
"Sorry but you have to continue the mission from now." Your leader said. "Tell everyone we love them—" The communication sudden got jammed.
"...I won't forget you guys." You said and you picked up your weapon before you continue to move forward.

Reader x Female Characters One-Shots [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now