Chapter 13 ~Questioning the Future and A Strangers Gift

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As planning went on over the course of two months, I became closer to the Assassins. Mosty when they trained me. During excess time along while collecting supplies, the others decided to train me in enhancing my skills. When I was not acting on instinct, my abilities in combat and freerunning were not as promising. If anything I'm clumsier in my actions than before I came here.

Training was physically straining to say the least. Between sword fighting with Altaïr, shooting practice with Edward, climbing with the twins, enhancing my silent running with Conner, even learning the history of the Creed with Malik while Ezio assisted with the information that was given to him from his Uncle Mario's library.... things became overwhelming.

When I became stressed out, I would frequently visit the roof of the hideout and listen to music. Just as the note from my mysterious gift said, my previous items returned to my bag. Surprisingly, there was also something extra in it. Instead of a normal wall plug phone charger, there was one that was solar powered. A sticky note was placed on the small solar panel, with a vague warning in black ink.

' Be careful on where you use this,' that's all it said.


On our last night before we left, I went to the roof once more to admire the stars. Pulling out my fully charged phone and earbuds, I listen to my favorite playlist. I look from up from under my black hood to the black blanket above me, the same stars from when I came still twinkling without a care in the world on what's going on below them.

The envy of those stars has disappeared only days ago, my hope of going home was something different. The bond that has developed between me and the other assassins has become strong, almost like we were one large family. This is a gamers dream come true when I think about it.

To be saving the world with characters that you have admired for years? To even be friends with them?

I'm still having a hard time thinking that this wasn't a dream. There is something that has lurked in the back of my mind for some time, however.

What happens when this is done?

What happens when I officially become the new guardian of the relic?

WIll everyone be able to go home?

Those thoughts kept running through my mind for the rest of my stargazing session and when I went to bed, only to have a restless slumber.

All of them full of 'what happens' and 'what if's.'


I wake to the darkness of my room and the scent of a strong sweetness filling my nose. I look to the window of my room to see it open slightly, the shutters creaking from the whispering wind. The glow from the crescent moon peeked from behind the shutters into my room, but not far enough to reach me on the wall to the left of it. Underneath the window stood a dark spruce desk that contrasted greatly to the colors of the pale oak floors. Normally, the desk was empty of everything but a thin layer of dust. However, there was something different on it this late night.

On the dirty desk sat a large blood red rose. The stuffy room had already started to claim the flower by covering it with its dust. I wearily stood up, my loose pants and white shirt that I bought a few days ago ruffled as I crept closer to the desk. My bare feet were mute of sound. Instead of reaching for the rose first, I reached for the shutters and gently grasped it. I stand for a second, my breathing soft.

I tighten my grip and quickly open the shutters, surprisingly there was little to almost no squeak from them. I peer out the window to see no-one below. I turn to look above me to only see the stars and the moon. I turn my gaze to the buildings in the distance, the city sleeping on this peaceful night. I scan the rooftops to see them empty...... except for one.

The hairs on the back of my stood on end as I looked towards the figure. The moon shone down on their figure to show that they were looking away from me. Their figure was clothed with a cloak that whipped ever so slightly in the wind. By how their head was tipped upward, they were looking to the stars. I tilt my head to the side in confusion, still staring at the distant figure.

Ever so slowly, they turned around... facing directly at me. I suck in a breath of the cool night air in surprise while returning my head to its upright position, but I kept my stance. I look down for a moment at the rose then back up, but did a double take. I look back down at the rose to see a small envelope sticking out from under it. I lift the rose up and examine it while avoiding the thorns, but return my gaze to the figure. The figure does something that I didn't quite fully expect...... they wave at me. I lift an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. Confusingly, the figure gives me two thumbs up then does something rather odd. The figure suddenly vanishes into thin air, leaving nothing behind. The wind picks up slightly and brushes against my face, an eerie layer of goosebumps crawl over my skin.

I look down to the small envelope and pick it up with my fingertips, setting the rose down to use both of my hands. It was small enough to sit in my hand. I turn the envelope over and see a wax seal, imprinted with the Eye of Horus. I grip the wax with my fingertips and gently rip the wax off. I peer inside to find a piece of peculiar paper. I take it out of the envelope and settings its carrier down to feel the paper with both of my hands. It didn't feel like normal paper that's for sure. It felt much different than the paper that I handled when I was studying with Malik and Ezio as well.

Now that I think about it, I've felt this kind of paper before. During my first year of college actually... on my trip to Egypt to visit tombs and their museums. This was papyrus paper, not commonly found around here in Italy. I unfold the papyrus and started to read it.

'Congratulations on joining the creed. We hope to see you in action soon.'

Joining the creed? I mean, I have been trained by them but I don't think I'm officially an assassin and seeing me in action?

I get the feeling that I'll be seeing this person again sooner than I would like.

A/N: *internally screaming* almost 160 reads?!?!    Thank you guys so much for reading this!  

Also, thank you @Ninjaknight23511 for the comment! I'm really happy you are liking the story!! <3 

This story is not ending any time soon so keep your eyes open for future updates! If you guys have any sort of tips on writing fanfiction I am all ears! I'm even thinking of making a book for test chapters of different books and requests! Tell me what you guys think!

As always, let me know what you think of the story by leaving a comment or vote! Until the next update!

Redlocks, out! :)

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