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Have you ever thought about the environment?

Have you ever thought about what would happen to the environment?

Have you ever looked and see so many trash lying either on the streets or on the sidewalk?

Today, littering is still happening. It causes 1 in 8 deaths, it damages the ocean the sea animals live in, and in crops where are foods are being harvest, and it causes more than 4 million deaths every year. Have you never think that you might be the next one being affected? 

How does air pollution cause you say?

It's being caused by the trash being thrown, by the factories and companies fuels, and not helping the environment. What makes a bigger pollution is from the chemicals that we use and the cars that we drive in. It may not happen in your area, your country, and your state, but it happens in other places. 

In this story, I'm going to tell you what causes air pollution, and how we can save and stop air pollution in the future. 

I want you to think:

- How am I causing bad air?

- How can I help stop bad air from spreading?

- What are ways I can help?

We see beautiful views of mother nature, but if we keep on causing chemicals and littering from day to day, that beautiful mother nature of ours, will become sad, disgusted, and gray. 

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