History Pt 2: Park Jimin

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October 14,2014
Junior's in High School
Jimin age 16

Running is painful.

Running a mile is asking for death.

The sweat continued to run down my back and chest, the droplets feeling uncomfortable as the sun beat down on me. My gym class all had to run the mile and I was currently the last one on the track with a 12 minute mile so far and still half a track before I complete it.

I've always had horrible stamina and I was born with weak muscles so, I struggle to do some things people find easy.

Like running a mile.

"Come on Park! You're the last one!" Our gym teacher yelled as some of the boys who were sitting in the stands, already clean and dressed, snickered at me.

I just looked down at my feet as I heard my heavy footsteps and the hot air I was breathing causing my body to heat up more. Due to my small diameter and weak muscles, I am always picked on and made fun of.

Not to mention that I love childish things and people call me rude names like "baby" or "shorty" or "toddler" because of my height and interest in stuffed animals or toys that only a child would enjoy.

"This is stupid." I muttered as I neared the finish line.

"Hey, go easy on the him. He is a child after all." Jungkook, the schools playboy and the head of the dance team, the team I'm on, said, smirking at me.

I just rolled my eyes. From what I heard, he carries some serious package and it's obvious just by looking at his abs and his muscles. But, he's been pinning for me for a few months now just because my body looks good and I'm fit.

The bell rung, interrupting the coachs' yelling, indicating that school was over. Finally passing the finish line, I gripped onto my knees, panting heavily and attempting to even my breath in anyway I could.

"Okay Park, go wash up and head home. You did okay today, better than last time by half a minute, if that makes you feel better." The coach said, patting my head a bit.

It annoyed me how some teachers looked down at me and treat me like the jerks do, like I'm a child. I just barely missed the age limit for my Class Year only by a day. If my birthday was any sooner, then I would be in the Sophomore class right now, causing me to be currently the youngest in my class.

Groaning, I headed for the locker room, inside and in the cold school.


A cold shower sounded really good and I wanted to wash off the remnants of the mile and the stink of sweat.

Entering the now empty locker room, I grabbed my cloths from my locker, heading to the open showers. I was actually glad that I was the last one to shower, then no one could see my small body. Yes, because of dance, I had the outline of a six pack and a well tone and fit body but, it was still small, especially down there.

It was an embarrassment and, a lot of people would make fun of me for not completely hitting puberty. I haven't even had any sexual desires yet, none of the girls in my class seem to interest me enough to cause a reaction.

Turning on the cold water, I let it run over my hot body, cooling my skin as I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner that smelled like cotton candy. The baby blue colored loofah I had had a little blue penguin at the top as a gripper.

"There's my little Chimmy~" Jungkook's voice cooed from the entrance of the locker room.

His voice sent a chill down my back. He was like a lion, always hunting for his next prey to satisfy his sexual urges. Despite only being 15, nearing on 16, Jungkook has managed to sleep with at least a third of his Sophomore class. Jungkook doesn't seem to care about gender because he's slept with both girls and guys, as long as their bodies look good, he wants to sleep with them.

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