My Love

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I don't move a muscle. Harry's mental state does not seem to be all that well.

"Now I'm going to get off of you, but don't try anything or - or," he pauses, "I'm going to have to shoot you."

I stand up slowly and he keeps the gun on me. "Now we have to pack my darling," he kisses my head as he stays deep in thought. "Go put your clothes away and make sure not to leave a thing."

I go to my room and pack as tears leave my eyes.

"Here put this on," he says. I grab the clothes and he quickly adds, "if you're going to be crying all day I figured black clothes will make it so it isn't suspicious. You're mourning your grandfather's loss," he says.

I nod.

I place the clothes on and he changes as well.

We boarded an airplane and are now thousands of kilometers in the air. I cry every once in a while.

When we land we immediately go home. At our house there is a police car, just as I think I may finally escape this psychopath Harry speeds off.

We end up at Zayn's house.

I am tied up. "Please let me go," I plead as tears stream down my face.

I wake up a bit later when I feel a hand on my face. I keep my eyes closed hoping nothing will happen.

"I'm so sorry I have to do this to you," Harry sobs. He kisses my cheek lightly and places his forehead against mine. "I'm only doing it because this is the only way I'll ever have you."


*Zayn's P.O.V.*

My hands start to sweat as I walk over to her. The girl with the perfectly wavy brown hair, the bright smile, the mesmerizing eyes. I have only seen her this morning, but I had to meet her.

She was walking with her friend as always. As soon as I approached her my speech was interrupted by my stuttering. I clear my throat, "H-Hey," I say to her as she chats away with her friend.

She doesn't even look at me as she walks away with her friend and whispers to her friend about how weird I was. They laughed and as they did so did some others.

Unfortunately for that girl she had bumped into me the next day, when my life was at it's worst. It was not only the first week but I had suffered a large amount of embarrassment throughout the day and this was the last straw.

I found out her name was Rubi and I made sure to remember her.

Eleven years later and I still have scars from that day when I decided putting a metal blade to my skin was the route to take.

I had been rejected plenty of times throughout my life, but I had thought I was well past that point in my life. I hadn't taken it well, but I had never been as embarrassed as I was that day and it didn't help that she was my previous bully's sister.

When I walk into my house I find a note from Harry. I hear groans coming from further down the hall. I see Rubi tied up.

I untie her and she sobs violently. "Harry!" she shouts and runs down the hall to the bathroom.

I follow her and see that in the bathroom Harry is laying in the tub. Everything goes slowly as I see what happens.

She cries as she lifts his head out of the water. He gasps heavily for air. She drains the water as she keeps his head up.


*Rubi's P.O.V.*

"Harry please I need you. I need you," I cry.

He seems to breathe fine once he has been out of the water for long enough.

He looks at me and then behind me. "I need some time with her," he says to Zayn. Zayn walks out and Harry gets out of the tub.

I hug him as soon as he does and sob. I never realized how much I needed him until I was about to lose him.

"We need to get you out of these clothes," I remove his button up. Then I see the tiny white little marks on his skin. Multiples of them are all around.


He has tears in his eyes as he tries to take his shirt back. I hold it tightly.

"What are those from?" I ask through clenched teeth as my voice starts to shake and tears form.

"I- I don't want to talk about it," he says.

"Harry you know I'll love you regardless of what happened-"

"No you won't," he says.

"For goodness sakes Harry why wouldn't I?"

"Because you don't love me."

"Are you serious? Harry I'm over here saving your damned life after you've killed a man, after you've raped me. After you ruined my life. I'm here showing you that I'm madly in love with you! Tell me what else I have to do to show you my love?!"

He grabs my arms and brings me to him. "No! Get away from me! You don't love me," I sob.

"I began cutting back when I first met you and realized you wouldn't be mine. I'm so stupid," he whispers as he looks down and cries.

I stand there in silence, unsure of how to comfort him.

He is the light that makes the dark seem harmless. He is my everything, he is my love, but I don't know how I can speak those words without choking on the words because I know he doesn't feel these extreme emotions towards me. He wouldn't have hurt me had he loved me.

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