Chapter 30: The Wedding

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A/N Hey guys! I just want to let you know that this story is coming to an end. I'm proud of where it's gone, and I really hope everyone is going to be happy with the ending in a few chapters. Thank you to everyone supporting this book, it means the world to me. 💕

Brooklyn's pov.

When I woke up, I definitely still had a black eye. It didn't heal overnight, although I didn't expect it to. But who wants to have a black eye on their wedding day? I couldn't even imagine Harry's nose. We were both going to be a total mess, but a mess together. We would look back and laugh at ourselves, we looked absolutely ridiculous.
"I think we can cover it with concealer and a high coverage foundation, maybe some yellow concealer corrector." Sarah moved my face to look closer. I sat in a robe, belly hanging out of the flaps. It wasn't long enough to cover my stomach, but it said "bride" on the back and was on sale, so Sarah bought it for me anyways.
I looked at myself in the mirror, then shook my head. "I don't want to cover it." I stared at the black and blue mess, the redness of the irritation on the the white of my eye. She looked at me like I was crazy. "I think I want to keep it shown, that way we'll always remember our day how it was, for memory's sake." She shook her head and smiled.
"You two and your symbolism." I laughed, touching the bag under my eye.
"I just want my brows done, mascara, and eyeliner, with a little nude lip gloss." She smiled, pulling my hair back.
"You'll be stunning." I smiled.
"Thank you." She started on my makeup, being careful around my eyes, trying not to hurt me
while moving my face.

Eventually the rest of the girls showed up, then my mom, and even Anne. She gave me a tight hug when she saw me.
"I was told you had a black eye, but wow, that cork really got you." I laughed, squeezing her hand.
"I'm okay though, it only hurts if someone touches it. Have you seen Harry's nose?"I asked. She laughed.
"I saw him earlier, he's bruised all the way from his nose to under his eyes and cheeks, and he's got this awful white splint on the bridge of his nose." I snorted. "I guess I'll have to wait and see it for myself when I walk down the aisle." She had tears in her eyes, resting her hands on my shoulders, and looking at us in the mirror.

"You were always meant to be, I knew it from when you two were babies." I sniffed, getting emotional myself.
"Don't ruin your eyeliner, that was hard to do!" Sarah yelled. I laughed.
"I can do her hair." My mum spoke from the back. Everyone left and it was just her and I. She turned me around so I couldn't see myself in the mirror. She worked for a second before speaking.
"I cannot express how sorry I am for not being there when your dad died." I was in shock.
"Why are you bringing this up now?" I asked. She sighed.
"Because you deserve to know." She stopped. "He was hurting for a long time Brooklyn. It was never your fault. And if he saw you today, he would be so proud." She sniffled. "He was wrong. You have accomplished so much in so little time." I held back tears. I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed it, making eye contact with her in the mirror. She leaned down and kissed my forehead, over my hair.

"I love you mom." She smiled.

"I love you too." She pulled my hair away from my face and set it in a knot on the top of my head, a braid separating the middle.

I got up from the chair and made my way to where my dress was set. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it again. It was as beautiful as I remembered. I took off my robe and my mum helped me pull it over my belly, over my arms, and fastened the buttons up the back. I slid my feet into the white ballet flats I decided to wear. I had to be comfortable, especially with how far along I was. My mom grabbed some bobby pins, then my veil. It was beautiful lace with gold detailing on the flowers. It flowed perfectly down around me, sitting on the train of the dress, complimenting the intricate design. I put my hand on my stomach and looked in the mirror, the finished product sitting before my very eyes. The day I had pictured in my head since I was a little girl. Marrying the man I had dreamed of being at the end of the alter every night while I slept.

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