It's back in use

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Hey I'm Jung Hoseok and I- have things to get of my chest"
"You've come to the right place" smiled Taeyang. Hoseok looked around the dark room that stank of cigarettes and sex. Taehyung really did a number on the man. The scars from the stab wounds layed fresh on the rotting flesh.

His held no emotion. He was completely unreadable and that's what scared Hoseok . The simple fact that a person cannot be read would scare any human being. "So what is it that you came here for Hoseok, let me guess it's information on your dad I'm I right" however hoseok simply shaked his head no. "I want to know more about the machine that Jin carries around with him"

Taeyang simply smirked. He knew this day would come. The day where at least one of the memebers of this awkward teenage group would come to him for information.

"Well I would tell but first you have to be a man and snatch that pretty little thing aye. She truly is a work of beauty".Taeyang laughed as he held his damaged skin on the stomache that was glistening with sweat. Boy was he beyond fucked up. "Oh and Hoseok before you go relay this message to little Tae will ya. Tell him Ya can't escape from me pal" Hoseok looked traumatised. He simply nodded as a bee lined for the door.

Hoseok carried on the heart wrenching journey to where he thought his friends might be. The constant feeling of guilt being built into his stomach. The sin he was about to commit had him on the edge. "forgive me guys, I'm about to betray you"

"Who are you about to betray........"

Endless Cycle- Cycle of RegretWhere stories live. Discover now