Goddess damned

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"Who the hell is that?" Ban asked looking at a poster on a wall. King shrugged a bit floating on his pillow while looking up at the sky. He could honestly care less. All he wanted to do was dream about Diane.
"Who cares....What flowers do you think I should get Diane?" King asked rolling into his stomach as he rested his cheek in his hand. Ban sighed looking at the male, rolling his eyes slightly. Kind was aware it was night time, right?
"I don't know. Daisies?" He scoffed looking at the male. King sighed sitting up on his pillow, sitting criss crossed. He pouted a bit looking up at the male.
"You should know. I mean Diane practically is your sister." King sighed glaring a bit. Ban smirked a bit looking at the male. He spun around looking away from the poster of the tiny female covered in thousands of colour, mainly the colour red though.
"I thought you would know. I mean you're both practically lovers." Ban teased. King blushed a bright shade of red as his heart speed up. Did they really act like that? Was it that obvious that he liked her? That was when Ban giggled.
"You're jerk Ban! I'm going back to the Boar hut!" King snapped flaring away. Ban begins laughing louder watch the male leave.
"King! Come on man! You know it's exactly what it looks like between you two!" He laughed. King glared at the male stopping in the air. That is before he flipped him off and left. Ban chuckled a bit before he fell silent. The second King was gone Ban spun around looking at the poster of the girl.
The young female had black markings over her body along with blood. Her eyes were a very dark shade of black as well. Her hair was standing up on end as if it was a flame. She also seemed to have a forked tongue that was licking the blood off of her face. She seemed to be wearing a white dress covered on blood stains. There were corpses of many creatures all around her. Under her it read, 'Migas, the goddess damned.'
Ban bit his lip looking at the picture next to it. It was the same poster except it had a few differences. One of which has a large x carved over this Migas girl and had the word, 'sinner' written over her body. Then the poster next to her had her eyes carved out with red bloody holes for her eyes with the words 'horrid killer' written on there as well. There was a fourth one that had been vandalized as well. This one had the girl's body on poster ripped into shred. It was like someone had dragged a knife over the body over and over again. The all words were scratched out of the poster except one. That word would be, 'damned.' There was more posters all over this town of her. Ban had noticed each one had been vandalized. One had her complete naked with her stomach carved out.
The most violent one though would be the one where she looked heart broken. Literally. That poster had her looking like a normal girl with bright green eyes filled with tears. Her dress had been ripped and her heart had been carved out. All the corpses around her had been scratched out. Yet, the blood stayed for her. Her blood was everywhere. Under her the words, 'beautiful soul' was written over the printed words. That wasn't what was what the worst part was though. She looked like she was standing in the same spot they were in crying her heart out while dying.
Though the most disturbing part to Ban was that Meloidas almost vomited looking at the posters that called her a killer. So he knew that these posters were all different. He sighed reaching forward and pulling over of the poster that read, 'sinner', off of the wall before stuffing it into his pocket. Ban was gonna get to the bottom of this all.
With that he made his way back to the boar hut whistling a bit as he walked. It seemed like just yesterday he had helped rescue the kingdom of Lionas with his friends, the seven deadly sins. Along with princess Elizabeth. Their leader Meloidas was his greatest friends out of all of them though. He had given him so much support for so many years.....which he threw all away by trying to kill him. Yeah, so maybe Ban wasn't a good friend. Though that wasn't gonna stop him from trying to make things right again between the both of them. Yet, it wasn't like he as gonna admit it out loud. As far as Meloidas needed to know, Ban trusted him when he said they were still good friends.
Ban stopped in his tracks soon coming across the poster from before. The one with the girl looking human and sad. He sighed ripping that off of the wall as well.
"What ever you're up there for better have been worth it." He sighed stuffing it into his pocket as well. That was when he heard someone yelling at him. He turned to see an women rushing towards him. She was wearing a normal village outfit with a brown handkerchief over her long head of brown hair.
"What?" Ban asked.
"I said put it back! That is an important part of our village's heritage!" She snapped glaring at the male. Ban stood up straight revealing he was taller than the women.
"And what exactly does a picture of a girl being vandalized have to do with your village's heritage?" He asked. The women scoffed glaring at the male with her dark brown eyes.
"Tourists." She sighed. Ban crossed his arms looking at her while tapping his foot on the ground. There was no way he was putting those pictures back up.
"She is the goddess damned for a reason you know." She scoffed.
"Okay, so what did she do?" He asked.
"She was a product of a demon raping a goddess. She gave birth to that, that THING! That thing locked away the entire goddess race with her bare hands, destroyed all magic and slaughtered thousands! That I until our village leader, my sixty times removed great grandfather ended her rain of terror by carving out her heart to helped free as much magic as he could! The world is still impacted by this demon though and as a result of this the goddesses are still sealed away." She explained. Ban scoffed. He heard goddesses before. They weren't exactly as nice as they were made out to be. The goddess he talked to literally convinced him to try and kill his best friend.
"Well it's the truth. Now out the demon's pictured back up." She snapped. Ban smirked a bit.
"Sure thing." He smiled digging out a picture from before. The women smiled turning to leave with a wave of confidence waving over her. He went to hand it back on the nail only to stop making sure she saw that he stopped from where he stood. That was when the ripped down the one of Migas naked before running off. The women yelped spinning around.
"As soon as you give proof of it!" He smiled yelling over his shoulder before running back to the boar hut. He was laughing by the time he entered. Meloidas smiled looking up from the bar he was cleaning at the male.
"Hi Ban. How was your run?" Melodas smirked.
"Pretty fun. I gut you a few things." Ban smiled. Meloidas giggled a bit putting a cup away.
"What did you steal now?"  Melodias asked.
"A few posters. I made a lady really mad over it though." He smirked pulling the posters out of his pocket. He walked over and placed them all on the bar. Meloidas smirked leaning over the counter to look at the picture. Yet, that smirked disappeared seeing the naked picture of Migas.
Mel turned pale reading what it read before looking at the other poster Ban had laid down. His heart broke more seeing how they saw his sister. She was never gonna be more than a monster to them. The girl died for no reason while they praised a monster.
"Oh wait! There was another one!" Ban sated digging through his pockets. He smiled happily pulling out another poster.
"I don't wanna see it." Meloidas blurted out turning to leave. Ban placed the table down on the bar before wiping the other posters off of the table.
"Oi! But, Captain she looks more human and kinda like you in this one." Ban whined. Meloidas stopped in his tracks before he spun around seeing the poster of what his sister was really like. It looked just like her. She was in so much pain in the picture that she was crying and her blood was everywhere. The blood was everywhere. Just like in real life. Before Meloidas knew it his breath had speed up and tears began to fill his eyes.
"Mel, remember how when I found you, you couldn't walk or do anything but, you weren't in any pain?" Migas asked. Mel nodded his head.
"Mel, this hurts. It hurts as much as you being stabbed if you were still conscious. So, I want you to remember that I loved our time together and that I love you." Migas smiled as tear filled her eyes. Then she let out a large cough which made her cough up blood. Meliodas's felt his permanent smile fade for once.
"Don't go." He begged. Tears were leaving his eyes.
"You were my first friend. You're now the best sister ever. You are also my best friend in the whole wide world. There's no one else I would rather live with than you. So, please don't go. Please, sister I need you." Migas begged as he began to cry over his sisters corpse. With what little strength she had, Migas reached her hand up and whipped her brother's tears.
"Don't cry. What happened to the smile that I love so much? That we all love so much." Migas smiled. Mel swallowed what fear her had and put on a fake smile.
"Ahh. There's the smiling demon that I know." She smirked as more blood came out of her mouth. As she said this neither of them had noticed that someone had come looking for them. Eros and Harmonia froze as the as they saw their little sister bleeding to death on the floor at her half brother's knees. Eros was the first to run over. He dropped down next to Mel and tried to use magic to save her. Meanwhile Harmonia was to her right crying her eyes out.
"Oh god. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine. Just don't go." Harmonia begged her sister. Migas just smiled as her siblings.
"I love you guys. All of you. Even Kitty, Fidi, Scales, Slither and Medusa even though we aren't blood related. So tell them that Harmonia. Please." Migas asked.
"I promise but, just stay alive okay." Harmonia stated.
"Eros, you can stop now. You're actually hurting me more." Migas admitted. Eros shook his head no as tears fell from his eyes onto the floor.
"You can't go. We just got you back." Eros sobbed as he moved his hands.
"I know but, let's face it, fate screws me over a lot." She smiled.
"Migas please don't go. I need you." Mel begged his sister. The world seemed to go more blurry around them. Then all she saw was darkness. As for the last thing she heard it was Mel begging,
"Please don't go." Mel begged. His sister's body went numb. Harmonia let out a loud sob scream. Eros let out a sob before crying into his arms. Mel meanwhile kept quiet while he looked down at his outside feeling something wet on him. His clothes were red. He began sobbing as he realized what was on him. It was his sister's blood. It was everywhere. It was everywhere. Her blood was everywhere. Her blood was on him again. He had to get it of. Get it off!
"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF OF ME!" Meloidas begged tearing up unaware of where he was anymore. He fell backwards seeing blood everywhere. Ban jumped up out of his seat looking panicked. He had never seen Meloidas act like this.
"Meloidas, are you okay?" Ban stated running over to him. He dropped down next to Meloidas who was now screaming to get her blood off of him while shaking. King raced down the stairs while Diane glanced in from the window behind them. Elisabeth not rushed down stair.
"Sir Meloidas!" She gasped racing over. She dropped down next to him, holding the male's wrists so that he didn't hurt himself. The girl began trying to calm the male down by speaking to him.
"Ban! Ban what did you do?" King yelled running over to his friends.
"I don't know. I don't know!" Ban stated sitting in front of Meloidas trying to help him.
"Well then why is the captain screaming?" King yelled. Gunther yawned as he slowly walked down the stairs.
"What's with all the noise?" Gunther yawned. Everyone ignored him for a minute.
"Well I must have been something! The captain doesn't break over anything!" Diane snapped.
"I just showed him a poster." Ban stated looking at Meloidas. Meloidas screaming bloody murder while shaking and crying. He kept saying 'You can't leave me', 'get it off of me!', 'I can't be alone again', and 'I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!'. Elizabeth tried to calm him down by saying he was fine and that no one was mad at him.
"Well what was on this picture?" Gunter asked walking over. He was a lot more calm then the others.
"A girl. Her name is Migas and she's a goddess." Ban stated quickly.
"What else?" King snapped.
"That was it!" Ban snapped back. Genuter walked over to the picture.
"Oh." Gunther mumbled. Everyone looked at him except for Meloidas and Elizabeth. Meloidas was still freaking out. Mean Elizabeth was trying to calm him down
"It appears Ban has showed Meloidas a picture of his sister." Gunther explained. The room feel silent for a moment.
"The captain doesn't have a sister." Diane blurted out.
"Not anymore. When we first meet I searched his memories. She was in most of them. She was always referred to as his sister. Though his most damaging one is of her dying in his arms." Gunter explained emotionlessly. Ban swallowed a lump in his throat remembering Eliane.
"I-I didn't know that." Ban mumbled.
"The captain must be in a state of shock and is living through his worst memory again." He stated. Elizabeth gasped before saying that he was fine over and over again. Meloidas kept shaking and yelling. Ban looked at the male and remembered the first time he had heard about what had happened to Eliane's corpse. He had done the same thing. When he had snapped out of it, Mel was holding him by the shoulders smiling at the male.
With a sigh Ban moved forward pulling the male into a hug. Meloidas sobbed into his chest while apologizing. Ban wrapped his arms around the male. Diane yelled at him while Elizabeth watched in awe.
"It's okay. She forgives you. We both know she forgives you." Ban sighed as he ran a hand through Meloidas's hair trying to calm him down. Meloidas's sobs got a lot quieter and he began to shake a lot less. Bane kept repeating what he was doing for a while before looking up at the others holding a now sobbing Meloidas in his arms.
"It's fine guys. Go back to bed. I got this." Ban sighed. King bit his lip before nodding and heading back up to his room. Elizabeth gulped before heading up to her room, which happened to be shared with Meloidas. Gunther walked up stairs normally.
"Ban are you can handle this?" Diane asked. Meloidas sobs got loud for a minute before Ban ran his hands through the male's hair again.
"It's fine Diane. Go. We'll be fine." He sighed. Diane gulped before nodding with a frown and heading to the hammock she had made to sleep in. Ban sighed looking down before trying to rock the male back and forth.
"It's fine Meloidas. It's fine." He sighed looking down. Meloidas whimpered a bit snuggling into his chest.
"Go to sleep. I got you man. I got you Meloidas." He stated running his hands through the male's hair one more time. Meloidas whimpered a bit moe while crying before falling fast asleep. Ban sighed before taking the male and laying the male in his room. He pulled the blankets of his hammock over Meloidas.
"Goodnight brother." He yawned laying on the floor getting ready to go to sleep. He closed his eyes.
"Night Brother." Meloidas yawned before dozing off completely. Ban's eyes budges out of his skull looking at the male. There was a moment he spent think before he realized what he had said. He smiled looking at the male.
"Suck up." Ban chuckled laying back down.
"He's less of a suck up then you."
Ban say up hearing a girl talk. He looked around the room looking panicked while hearing a girl giggle. Soon the giggling stoped and the room was early quiet. He sighed dropping back down on the floor. His began thinking his mind was just playing tricks on him as he dozed off to sleep.
Migas's ghost giggled leaning over and kissing her brother on the head. She smiled leaning back over a sthe moonlight shined through her white dress.
"Goodnight brother.....I love you brother."
And just like that, she was gone in the wind.

"So it has begun."


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