Chapter 4 Illness

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The next morning Shadow woke up and found a pale looking Ace next to her. Ace was asleep for now, but something definitely was wrong. Shadow got up to tell her mom about this. Her mom was preparing breakfast her dad was still asleep.
"Mom I think there is something wrong ." Her mother turned around at her daughter and said. "Oh your up already... Good morning...What's wrong?" Ms.zoroark asked.
"It's Ace he doesn't look right," Shadow said sounding concerned. "Uhm okay, I'll go check in a moment alright?"
"Okay," Shadow said doubtfully
"Now eat up breakfast and go to school. You don't wanna be late on the first day of the new year now do you?"
"No, I don't," Shadow said then she ate breakfast and rushed off to school
"Later mom," she yelled over her shoulder
Ms.Zoroark made her way over to Sadows'room to check on Ace. When she opened the door and saw the pale Riolu, she was shocked.  She tried everything she could to treat Ace, but it didn't seem to work at all. Defeated she went back to the living room. How was she going to tell Shadow?

Ace was in a black void. He was scared
"Hello.... can anybody hear me?  What is going on?" he yelled. To his surprise, a voice answered: "I can hear you." It said.
"Who are you?" Ace asked the voice.
"My name is Arceus. Don't worry this is a dream".
"What is going on. What is happening to me. I woke up earlier, and I felt horrible." Ace asked. "That was to be expected. Allow me to explain. As you know you were once a human, you got transformed into a pokémon. I can tell you that I am the one who did that. As for what is happening to you right now, the easiest way to explain is to tell you that your soul is changing. To understand that you must first know that the change is irreversible.  You will never be a human again. Secondly, you should know that the soul of a human is different from the soul of a pokémon. All that is happening now is your soul changing into that of a pokémon. Don't worry this won't change anything to memories. You are probably wondering why you were turned into a pokémon. Now that I can't say. Not now at least. I can promise you that one day you will know. Does this answer your questions?" Acreus explained.
Ace took some time to process all of this before replying
"Yes. But could you tell me how long this will take?"
"It should be over when you wake up tomorrow. Now that that is said I have to leave you. I wish both you and your friend good luck. Farewell." Arceus said.
"No, wait...." Ace said, but Arceus was already gone.  Ace then slid off into a dreamless sleep

Later that day Shadow came home
"I am home," she said sighed.  her dad was in the living room at that moment he said:
"What's wrong you sound sad?"
"Nothing... just that nobody believed me when I told them about Ace and how I met him," Shadow said.
"Come here, sweetie," Mr.Zoroark said as he pulled his daughter into a hug. Shadow let out a soft sob
"Why does everybody have to be so mean. They just laughed at me. Said that they didn't believe me. They told me I'd never make a friend" Shadow said close to crying.
"I don't know why they do that. But it's not nice to say those things that's for sure." the Zoroark said not knowing what else to say. Shadow broke apart their hug before asking with tear filled eyes "How is Ace. Is he any better?".
"Unfortunately not. nothing has changed since you left." Mr.Zoroark said with a sad voice.
"Can this day get any worse?" Shadow cried before running off. The dad didn't follow her he knew that his daughter needed some time alone.

That evening the family ate dinner silently. Shadow went to bed immediately after that. Wich left her parents to talk.
"It's unfair that life is treating Shadow so hard right now isn't it," Ms.Zoroark said
"At least she now has a friend. At least she would if he wasn't sick that is. I hope he gets better soon. I'm worried about him. He is now part of our family after all. Even if I haven't met him yet." her husband replied.
"Let's hope for the best. For now, we should probably go to bed as well."
"You're right, let's go" And with that, the pair went to their room and fell asleep.

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