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Maribeth leads us quickly to the dining room in complete silence. Our shoes slapping against the tile being the only sound breaking the silence. She had told us not to ask questions so Callie and I both just glare at the back of her head the whole way there.

Soon enough we arrive at the round opening I saw on the map. Inside is a giant room dimmed to a relaxing light. Three large tables sit along the entire length of the room filling the center. The chatter from all the students echo off the walls and the overwhelming scent of savory food overtakes my senses. Maribeth motions for us to sit at the first table since that is where most of the students my age are.

Callie and I take our seats at the very end of the table and start grabbing food like our life depends on it. I eat until I feel sick. A few times I catch myself glancing at the upperclassmen two tables over but quickly glance back down when mean glares are shot my way.

After all the students have filled their bellies, a young woman enters and stands at the small stage in the back of the room. She has long black hair that slides down her back and bright blue eyes. Her robes are a solumn grey and she has laugh lines forming around her mouth. If I have to guess I would pin her age no later than her mid 30's.

She stands with a powerful presence and the strict look on her face quiets the room down, "Good evening students, may I give a warm welcome to the new additions to my wonderful school. I am Headmistress Winona. There are a few rules here at Velsing Academy. No roaming the halls after nine o'clock unless given specific permission from a teacher or staff member. No tardiness and no fighting; we at Velsing Academy do not tolerate delinquents, however; we will make accommodations in the event of an accident. Please be mindful of your fellow classman and strive to do your best. We do not allow repeat students, so if you do not make it this year, you will not be welcomed back for a second year. I anticipate great things from you all; do not disappoint. That is all, have a wonderful night and head back to your dorms."

With her closing statement all of the students rise from their seats and follow their Class Leaders out of the dining hall.

I scratch my head at some of the rules but don't question them since I normally don't break any. However, I grow nervous again about being tardy. I had one to many tardy slips at my last school and from what I understand, they wont be so forgiving with me here.

The snores from Callie across the room echo off the high walls, preventing me from getting any significant amount of sleep. I let out a small groan; not having ever experienced sleeping in a room with someone else since I am my mothers only child.

With a last attempt counting sheep, I push myself off the bed and go to the large window just beyond the end of my trunk. I spread apart the curtains and smile seeing that my view is over the garden. The night light shines over the fountain in the center of the maze; giving it an angelic shine. A dark and dense forest lays just behind where the neat grass is trimmed. Forests have always made me feel like I have a home; something I rarely feel since my mother and I move so frequently.

When I was a kid my mom would search for hours trying to find me in the forest behind my childhood home. I would be in a tree somewhere dreaming of fairies and sprites. My imagination kept me wondering even after she had grounded me from going back. After we moved, she kept me far from any forest by relocating us to concrete jungles with buildings that reach the clouds. It makes me wonder why she chose this place for me to attend; knowing that one of its main attributes was it's breath taking views and surrounding wildlife reserves.

As I am lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice a figure walking calmly through the hedges. I squint to try and make out features but I can only make out a silhouette. The figure reaches down and caresses, what I can only assume, is a flower; to smell its dewy leaves. It isn't wearing a bulky coat which confuses me as to why it's outside at night in the middle of winter in this weather just to smell flowers.

I'm so close to the glass that my breath starts to leave a fog mark and I am so entranced with watching the figure stroll that I don't notice when it turns.

My breath hitches in my throat as a pair of white reflective eyes lock gazes with me, causing shivers to run down my spine and my hair to stand on edge. However; below the chill is a deep warmth that runs over me and a sensation of electricity on my skin. Four minutes pass of nothing but locked stares before the figure vanishes; leaving me blinking and gasping. I stumble back and pull the curtains shut as quick as I can. With my breath uneven, I try to lay back down. I pull the covers all the way up to my neck and stare into the dark room.

My mind races with questions and a tinge of fear. My body shifts to try and find a comfortable position to fall asleep in even though I foresee a long restless night. Every time I try and shut my eyes, I see those white orbs and immediately start to tremble like a cold ball of air has rushed over me.

Without much choice, I roll over and accept that I will have to stay awake all night on my first day. This could not have ended any worse than it just has.

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