18 - Monday morning

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On Monday morning Adrien was going to school with a grin on his face. He couldn't wait to see Marinette. Last weekend had been great! No, no great – it was perfect! They spent together the whole Saturday and some time on Sunday. Yeah, Sunday... They finally managed to go out for a real date. Of course, Marinette's parents thought that the first date had been on Saturday. Well... It was hard to call the visit at Master Fu as "a date". However, when he analysed that again, coming back from that visit looked almost like a date – when he finally kissed Ladybug and his dream came true. Adrien couldn't decide if he felt overwhelming happiness or... disappointment... Because the kiss with Ladybug – although it fulfilled his deepest dreams – wasn't as magical as the kiss with Marinette. Well... Weird... That was the same person! But Adrien concluded that he preferred the touch of her hand not covered by the magical Ladybug's costume. And he liked watching her blush. And counting her freckles on her face while Ladybug's face was hidden behind the mask.

He sighed and went out of the car.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Chloe Bourgeois rushed at him with her "Adriekiiins!"

He smiled to himself and slid her hand from his arm with one firm motion. Poor Chloe. She didn't know yet. He hoped she wouldn't be attacked by an akuma when she found out. Today, everyone would find out.

Adrien looked around for Marinette.

She was sitting by the wall. Her lips twitched in a smile. That meant she'd noticed Chloe's welcome. And probably his answer. Their eyes met across the courtyard. Such things could happen only when you were in love.

Adrien ignored Chloe and moved toward Marinette.

There was a sketchbook on his girlfriend's knees. Marinette closed it quickly, as she caught him looking at it, and reached her backpack to hide the sketchbook from her boyfriend.

"What do you have there?" he asked curiously, pointing to the sketchbook.

"Uh... No-nothing..." she stammered, embarrassed as she used to be before last Friday.

He sat down on the floor next to her.

"Come on! Show it!" he smiled with the Cat Noir's grin. She looked at him sideways. This smile was so cute. Why had she hated it so much earlier?

"No way." She answered. "Stupid sketches..."

"I don't believe you. I've already seen your projects. Come on!" he leaned over her to reach her backpack. He took the sketchbook, and by the way kissed her cheek. She stopped defending, embarrassed by the fact that half of the school was already watching them. Adrien pretended that he didn't noticed anything unusual. He focused on Marinette's sketchbook. He opened it on the last painted page and... he became speechless...

"Uhm..." he grunted embarrassed, staring at the design of... a wedding dress...

"I've told you it's stupid!" She reached for her sketchbook. She was blushed.

"Don't!" he kept the picture. "Let me look. It's beautiful." He brought the design closer to his eyes to look at the details.

"It's all your fault!" she murmured.

"I hope so!"

"You started that!" she explained. "You proposed."

"And you said 'yes'." He reminded her with a smile and then he looked at the picture again. "I must admit. It's beautiful. You'll look phenomenal in it."

He grinned and leaned to kiss her.

"Will anyone tell me what's going on here?!" they heard suddenly above their heads.

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