Chapter 12

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Of course the boy hadn't seen anything as he'd gone unconscious before he could get a full view of anything but that crimson red eye, however to him, his horizons had been broadened by a great deal.

The next morning, the unconscious body of the boy had been found by a caretaker that usually dropped Crimson's breakfast. When he'd woken up, at first he was a bit disoriented, however, when his wires were reconnected, who would have thought that the first thing that the boy did was to spout nonsense. He spun tales of a red-eyed demon, ghosts and the darkness that was like a blanket for the demon.

Who else would believe such stories except the gullible children in the orphanage; even a few of the senior children believed it, though not all. The caretakers on the other had did not step forward to clarify or rid the orphanage of such unfounded rumors; they simply glanced at each other and said nothing.

After such an incident, the 'author of a boy' was reprimanded a bit for going into an unauthorized area, and all the other children whom believed the spun tales all came to the conclusion that such a ferocious demon should not be provoked. On the other hand, for the caretakers, it was now an open secret that the girl in the room was not completely normal, though the little boy had actually fainted from fright all on his own, but they thought, why would the boy so suddenly faint in the middle of the hallway leading to Crimson's room? And so, they would just speedily drop whatever was necessary at Crimson's door and rush to leave.

"You've made her have............ to suffer too" the voices whispered. Who was whispering such threatening words, he could never see them, but, as the voice said he was miserable, he was suffering. Dark circles lined up beneath his puffy blood-shot eyes, he'd also lost quite a bit of weight, so his eyes looked larger when compared to his now sallow face.

He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat. He'd previously thought that his guilt had completely vanished when he had put many things in place for Crimson to get an education, however, now it seemed as though his guilt had returned with a vengeance. Why did he even think that colluding with that woman was a good idea?

One night, the man was once again attempting to get some rest, but as usual, he could not find peace. He shut his eyes tightly, tried to have a blank mind, but not long after settling a bit, his eyes flew open and he flung off his covers. In a rush, with whatever reserves of energy he had, the man threw on a jacket and shoes and quickly left his house. Strangely, he did not turn back to lock his door, he even completely ignored his car that was parked in front of the house and instead continued to walk in a daze as if enchanted. He walked and walked until a subtle tune entered his ears and wrapped around his brain, the rate of his footsteps then increased until he sighted the musician responsible for the solemn tune that was weaving into the night, making the lonely full moon in the sky seem even lonelier. The man stopped and stared at the pale-skinned girl as she easily fiddled with the instrument. He was extremely still, even his heart understood to not beat too loudly, in fact, his heart-rate slowed down drastically. The wind understood, the nocturnal animals understood, the man's heart understood, silence should be the music's only accompaniment.

Finally, the song came to an end, and just like when Crimson previously played to a full moon, the winds howled with delight and displeasure, delight at such a song and displeasure for its end. As the wind bellowed, the repentant lawyer slowly came out of his daze, but still, his eyes remained fixed on the little girl that was dressed in a white night gown that when put against her pale skin, made her skin seem a bit rosier. With that raven-black hair, and red eyes that shone like rubies, he looked otherworldly.

As he watched the girl, the man's eyes became clearer and clearer. He didn't know why, but he had a gut feeling that if he had this child by his side, he would no longer be miserable and everything would get better, but that was probably because she was the one whom he'd wronged in the first place and he may feel less guilty if he took care of her himself.

When Crimson closed the window, the lawyer, with newfound energy, easily turned around in an excited rush, and literally ran back home. It was fortunate for him that it was a relatively small community, therefore, his run wasn't too long. He didn't even spare one second on his unlocked door, but in the next few days, he dropped everything including work in order to prepare for the adoption of this otherworldly, solemn child.

As soon as he began to prepare for his impulsive stunt, he realized that he returned to having good days where he could at least sleep for six hours a day, so he knew that he was doing the right thing.

No more than a week was needed for the lawyer to be completely ready for Crimson's adoption, but by this time he seemed more haggard than ever, even with the six hours of sleep, and there was even a maniacal tinge in his shifty eyes. Nevertheless, the man was qualified to adopt the child.

The caretakers in the orphanage were quite surprised when Crimson was adopted; however, they had no qualms with this arrangement. Besides, they recognized her adoptee as the man whom always sent goods for her since the beginning of her time in that place.

The lawyer had people pack Crimson's belongings without a hitch and took her away from that prison-like place.

Of course, he did all those things without alerting the superstitious Victoria, and before she could find out, he took Crimson and moved to another part of the country in a suburban area in a villa which he'd bought along with giving it a bit of construction for the accommodation of a child that was 'special' like Crimson. Even though he was not as superstitious as Victoria, he still took precaution for a 'what if' situation.

The man did not live in the house with Crimson, in fact, over the years, he barely had any contact at all with his adopted daughter, however, he did hire servants and tutors for her, and therefore she had the best education any child could ask for.

After beginning to take care of Crimson, the lawyer took back the wheel of his life, he could sleep when he wanted and began to regain his lost weight.

Fortunately, contrary to what Victoria claimed, nothing happened, not to the servants or to the tutors nor the selfish cowardly lawyer. Hence, Crimson was able to live quietly in that suburban villa for a number of years, almost completely seeming to disappear off of the planet once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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