Songs In The Moonlight (Kids Boy Edition)

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Normal POV

Rafal was startled into the consciousness by a loud wail echoing through the marble walls. He looked down on his wife sleeping peacefully as if she didn't hear a thing. 'Ryker,' Rafal thought exasperatedly as the cries grew louder. He was about to reach out and lay a hand on Sophie's shoulder but pulled back, remembering everything she had gone through in the last months.

Rafal threw the sheets of his body and began his walk to the door in the corner of the room, leading to his son's room. Walking past the murals of their story Rafal finally came to the end of the hallway and pushed the door open. He trudged over to his son's crib and leaned over it with a light smile. His son stopped crying immediately, recognising his father's penetrating blue gaze. He giggled and placed his little fist in his mouth with a smile. He reached out to him and his father complied and lifted him into his arms, cradling him to his chest.

"Now what would be the cause of this infidelity at....," Rafal paused to look at the grandfather clock in the left corner of the room. "2 AM," Rafal yawned, giving his finger to the chubby baby to hold. Ryker wrapped his fingers around it and chortled in glee. Rafal stared at his son, taking in his pointed features. He had Rafal's sharp nose and high cheekbones along with Sophie's big doe eyes and luscious pink lips. Though he inherited his father's electric azure eyes Rafal could still see the specks of forest green and gold littering in them, reminding him of his sleeping wife. His skin shade was somewhere in Sophie's tone but just a speck lighter. His skin was smooth and soft, cold to the touch. That had gotten Sophie slightly worried after his birth.

Rafal's mind wondered to his son's birth. The happiest and to be honest most heart wrenching day of his life. He remembered seeing Sophie rocking a swaddle of blue blanket as he sat on his chair next to her bed. Ryker didn't even cry. He just smiled and giggled causing Sophie to burst into tears. Ryker, realising that his father's attention was no longer on him, began to cry again.

Rafal snapped out of his daze and looked backdown and offered his son a smile. Ryker paused to consider if this was an apology and when he came to know his father didn't understand why he smiled wickedly. Rafal gave a sigh of relief and Ryker took that as his cue to began crying again. Rafal hurriedly tried to shush him by cradling him, swaying side to side but nothing worked anymore. 'Oh bugger,' Rafal groaned internally. 'So much like your mother you attention seeker,' Rafal continued his mental rant. He stopped his other thoughts and began thinking of something that used to soothe Sophie. 'No Sophie soothes herself,' Rafal thought. 'What's soothing to a baby?,' he asked himself. His mind went to memories of his childhood and he began to hum along to the old song he somehow remembers from his old life.

The streams flow in the river

The flowers bloom

It's all to pretty for me

So shall we go?

To a land of darkness and solitude

Where only our kind could go

Darkness spreads through our soul

But we won't mind

'Cause we'll always have each other

Even when we're gone

Know that all pretty things end my sweet

But darkness stays the same

So lets take part of something that would last

Rafal stopped singing and began to hum the tune to the song and offered a last smile to his son. His son smiled back sleepily and at that moment Rafal decided to add a little something to the lyrics.

I have my child

And my love

Sleeping peacefully here in my arms

So I'll stay awake

And wait for the sun

To rise out of the ground

So I'll know your safe

And the time has come

That you will leave but darling please don't

His son's eyelids dropped and he began to snore quietly. Rafal placed him back in his crib and softly landed a kiss on his forehead. When he finally arrived back in his own room he sighed in relief as he noticed his wife still sleeping. At least he thought she was. Little did he know that she had heard every word and taken the liberty of grabbing a quill and paper to write down the lyrics. Rafal laid his forehead against Sophie's back and sighed as the scent of spicy and sweet herbs enveloped him. Rafal curled his arms around Sophie's waist seeking the warmth and silky feel of her creamy peach skin. Sophie felt the coldness he was radiating and began to breath faster in an attempt to fasten her heartbeat as to warm her body more.

Hearing her began to pant from exhaustion the first thought that came to his mind was nightmares. He began to hum the tune of the song again and watched as Sophie's body slacked. Sophie felt so safe and warm at the tune and her eyes began to droop once again. She'll be sure to use that song in the near future.

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