Lonely nights

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I look into space and wonder what would happen to me. I didn't even want to be on the homecoming committee but my mom insisted. This is the type of things me and my friends scoffed at when people got over excited. I just wanted to left alone when things were happening and my mother just wasn't going to leave me alone until she got her way. I knew that this was important to her and it wasn't about how I felt. Then again when was it ever about how I felt. A knock on the door draws me away from my thoughts. I go and answer the door and two boys rush in closing it behind them. "First aid kit do you have one." Says the guy with black hair and brown eyes.

     "Yes." I say looking at the blood dripping onto the floor from the boy that was being held by the brown eyed guy. I go to the bathroom and pull up the floor panel and pull out my first aid kit that my mom didn't know about. My dad gave it to me before he died. I bring it out to the boys and continue to look on as the black haired boy rips the other guys shirt off. He goes for a needle. I stop him and he looks at me like he was ready to smack me. "It'll get infected let me do it." I say.

 "Fine but if my brother dies you die." He growls. I sit by the  injured boy and take out the peroxide. I soak a rag with it and start cleaning the wound. It looked like someone stabbed him. I notice a fragment of the blade inside the skin. I grab the tweezers and manage to get a grip on it. I pull it out gently and the boy groans. I clean off the blood again and grab the stitches and get to work. "Did we stumble across a doctor by some freak accident." Says brown eyes.

  "I'm in high school but I was taught how to do this stuff." I say "Now shut up so I can concentrate." The boy I was operating on had brown hair and had amazing features with lashes that my friends would kill for. I finish and help him sit up on the couch and hand him some pain killers and water. He looks at me and offers me a small smile. I see that he has gorgeous blue eyes. His brother tries to pull him up and I stop him. " Don't he needs to rest and I want to look you over to to make sure you are ok." I say.
      He grunts and pulls off his shirt and I'm glad I made him stay he needed help to. One of his cuts though small was deep and needed stitches as well. I cleaned him up quickly and gave him a pain killer. He grunts again and leans back. I help his brother lay back down once I get some pillows and blankets for them. I cover him up and go get myself ready for bed.
      I go back down the stairs with a bowl of hot water and a few hand towels. The blue eyed brother is the only one still awake. He looks at me and gives me another smile.
    I move the blanket down and start cleaning his blood stained torso. I have to admit he's much kinder than his brother.  After removing the blood I put a bandage over the stitches. " Thank you for everything especially making him stay here I'm exhausted." He says shocking me.
       " No problem your face was so pale I worried that if he tried to move you you would hurt yourself. Speaking of pale you need to eat something." I say getting up and grabbing our  bed tray we use when one of us is so sick we can't get out of bed. I make a couple sandwiches a glass of tea and a bottle of water. I bring it in and his face lights up. I help him get situated and put the tray over his lap. " The water is not an option you need to drink it to help your body replenish the blood you lost here is some vitamin B12  to help that and some melatonin to help you sleep."
      " Yes ma'am. I have to say I'm liking being taken care of right. Would you mind if I come and see you maybe take you out on a date." He says.
     " No I don't mind it'll give me an opportunity to make sure you're healthy." I say getting up.
     " Can I have a kiss before you leave?" He asks. I blush and go to kiss his cheek but he moves pressing his lips gently to mine.

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